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Functioning and disability

An evidence map

Reading time approx. 361 minutes Published: Publication type:

SBU Evidence map

systematically evaluates the quality of systematic reviews in a particular field for the purpose of identifying reliable evidence and gaps in scientific knowledge. SBU Evidence Maps are generated with the help of experts in the field. Prior to publication, maps are examined by independent experts, as well as our quality and priority group and SBU’s Scientific Advisory Committees.

Published: Report no: 305 Registration no: SBU 2017/911 ISBN: 978-91-88437-47-1


A comprehensive litterature research resulted in 19 234 articles. In the first stage, these articles abstract were reviewed and 2 031 of them were considered as relevant. After full text review, 1 750 articles out of 2 031 were considered to be irrelevant. In total, SBU has identified 281 relevant systematic literature reviews. 232 of these were assessed to have low methodological quality, 44 medium high and 5 high methodological quality.

Most of the total of 49 systematic reviews with medium or high methodological quality concerned the groups of neuropsychiatric disabilities (24 systematic reviews), and next of kin or other close relatives of persons with disabilities (21 systematic reviews). This is followed by intellectual disabilities (11 systematic reviews) and mental disabilities (8 systematic reviews). For the group of physical disabilities, there are fewer systematic reviews with medium or high methodological quality (5 systematic reviews). No systematic reviews of medium or high methodological quality were identified regarding the group’s dyslexia, dyscalculia, language impairment, multifunctional impairment and sensory impairment

Systematic reviews that were identified and assessed as relevant, and of medium or high methodological quality, were distributed in relation to domains. It was then assessed whether there was scientific knowledge or scientific knowledge gaps in the domain. The assessment of whether there is scientific knowledge, or a scientific knowledge gap was made for the group of persons with disabilities.

Scientific knowledge was identified for the group:

  • Neuropsychiatric disability in 8 of 17 domains.
  • Mental impairment in 4 of 17 domains.
  • Intellectual disability in 4 of 17 domains.
  • Physical disability in 2 of 17 domains.

Scientific knowledge gaps were identified for the group:

  • Mental disability in 13 of 17 domains.
  • Neuropsychiatric disability in 9 of 17 domains.
  • Intellectual disability within 13 of 17 domains.
  • Physical disability in 15 of 17 domains.

Since there were no systematic reviews of medium or high quality in any of the domains for the groups of sensory impairment, dyslexia, dyscalculia, language impairment, and multifunctional impairment, there are, according to SBU:s definition, scientific knowledge gaps in all 17 domains.

The domains where most scientific knowledge gaps were found for most disability groups were:

  • Autonomy-related interventions
  • Housing-related interventions
  • Interventions that promote parental ability
  • Motivation oriented interventions
  • Transport related interventions


In Sweden there are a number of different actors working with interventions in the area of disability. Municipalities, states, and regions map, investigate, make decisions and carry out, together with private and non-profit actors, efforts on a daily basis. This survey applies to systematic overviews of interventions and methods implemented, or that could be implemented, by the social service (eg personal assistance, home service, daily activities) and other municipal administrations (which handles, for example, housing adaptation), and government interventions such as assistance payments, car support and special support staff for introduction – and follow-up support.

Systematic reviews that studied methods and interventions in the health care area, including habilitation, rehabilitation, everyday interpretation and assistive aids, as well as in school and education, working life and criminal services are excluded.

A method or practice is an evidence gap if:

  • Systematic reviews, with medium high or high methodological quality, find that there is no conclusive evidence of benefits or harms (Very low certainty of finding according to GRADE or corresponding, no primary studies identified)
  • No systematic review, with medium high or high methodological quality, have reviewed the method
  • The breadth and scope of this evidence map means that the identified domains, or parts of them, may be relevant to all disability groups, while others may be primarily designed for, or targeted to, certain specific disability groups. The results regarding scientific knowledge gaps must therefore be supplemented with assessment based on specific expertise to determine to what extent domain constitutes a scientific knowledge gap for a specific disability group.

Scientific knowledge or scientific knowledge gaps were not established for systematic reviews dealing with interventions aimed at next of kin or other close relatives of persons with disabilities, neither of methods used by professionals in the area of disabilities. The same applies to systematic reviews whose results are based on qualitative data, or primary studies with a pre- and post-design with one or a few survey subjects.

The lack of evidence does not mean imply that the associated methods have no effect. It simply means that there is a scientific uncertainty about treatment effects and that more studies or systematic reviews are needed to provide a reliable measurement.


The aim of this Evidence Map is to identify relevant scientific evidence and evidence gaps in the area of functioning and disability by systematically assessing and categorizing all systematic reviews that evaluate the effect of interventions and methods relevant for the area.


Inclusion criteria


  • People of all ages with mental, neuropsychiatric, intellectual, sensory, and physical disabilities as well as dyslexia, dyscalculia and language impairment and multi-functional impairment
  • Next of kin or other close relatives of persons with disabilities
  • Professionals in the disability area

Interventions and methods that, in Sweden, could be implemented by the social service (eg personal assistance, home service, daily activities) and other municipal administrations (which handles, for example, housing adaptation), and government interventions such as assistance payments, car support and special support staff for introduction - and follow-up support (e. g Supported employment).


No limitations have been made regarding comparative interventions. For example, a comparison may be no interventions or another equivalent intervention.

  • Reliability/validity
  • Utility
  • Equality in living conditions
  • Participation in community life
  • Activity/Activity limitation
  • Quality of life
  • Satisfaction
  • Health
  • Independence
  • Empowerment
  • Behavior
  • Psychosocial outcomes (stress, anxiety, depression)
  • Preventing/Combating discrimination
  • Justice
  • Side effects, unwanted events, problems, difficulties or events in connection with method or intervention
  • Experiences of interventions or methods
  • Next of kin or other close relatives' welfare and health
  • The parental/supportive capacity of the next of kin or other close relatives'

Study design

Systematic reviews

Language: English, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian

Search period: From 2000 to 2017. Final search June 2017.

Databases searched: Academic Search Elite, ERIC, PsycInfo, SocIndex (via EBSCO), Medline (OVID), Cochrane Libray (Wiley), Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA), Sociological Abstracts/Social Services Abstracts, International Bibliography of Social Sciences (IBSS) (via Proquest), Scopus (via Elsevier) och Social Care online.

Client/patient involvement: Yes

The PICO for this map, as well as the domains, were outlined by the project group. In order to make sure that a relevant map was drafted, representatives from the relevant field and patient organisations/patients were given the opportunity to review the draft. After considering their comments, the draft was finalized.

A systematic literature search was thereafter designed and performed by an information specialist in order to identify all published systematic reviews potentially relevant for the PICO. After the literature search was performed, two reviewers independently screened the abstracts and full text and selected the relevant systematic reviews. The risk of bias in the included systematic reviews were assessed independently by two reviewers using a modified version of the AMSTAR tool. Any disagreement regarding relevance or risk of bias was solved by a discussion.

Depending on the research questions addressed in the identified systematic reviews, they were classified according to the prespecified domains and are presented in the evidence map.


The literature search resulted in 19 234 articles. In the first stage, these articles abstract were reviewed and 2 031 of them were considered as relevant. After full text review, 1 750 articles out of 2 031 were considered to be irrelevant. 281 relevant systematic reviews were identified and provide the basis for this SBU Evidence Map. Out of the 281 systematic reviews meeting the inclusion criteria, 49 were judged to have a medium high or high methodological quality. All systematic reviews are presented in the Evidence map.

Figure 1 Flowchart of included systematic reviews.

Conflicts of Interest

In accordance with SBU’s requirements, the experts and scientific reviewers participating in this project have submitted statements about conflicts of interest. These documents are available at SBU’s secretariat. SBU has determined that the conditions described in the submissions are compatible with SBU’s requirements for objectivity and impartiality

Project group


  • Mikaela Starke, Professor, Department of Social Work, University of Gothenburg
  • Ann-Marie Öhrvall, Doctor of Medicine and licensed occupational therapist, Karolinska Institutet


  • Maria Ahlberg, Project Administrator
  • Helena Domeij, Project Manager
  • Christel Hellberg, Project Manager
  • Maja Kärrman Fredriksson, Information Specialist
  • Susanna Larsson Tholén, Project Manager
  • Jenny Stenman, Project Administrator

External reviewers

  • Jens Ineland, Associate Professor and Lecturer, Department of Social Work, Umeå University
  • Thomas Strandberg, Associate Professor and Lecturer, School of Law, Psychology and Social Work, Örebro University

Functioning and disability evidence map

The evidence map below presents all systematic reviews included in this report. You can use the drop-down menus above the graph to filter which systematic reviews are to be displayed and the functions below the map to download the selection as an Excel file or as an image.

How to cite this report

SBU. Functioning and disability – An evidence map. Stockholm: Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services (SBU); 2019. SBU-report 305E. 

Appendix 1: Reference list of included studies

Studies with low risk of bias

  • Ali A, Hall I, Blickwedel J, Hassiotis A. Behavioural and cognitive-behavioural interventions for outwardly-directed aggressive behaviour in people with intellectual disabilities. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2015:CD003406.
  • Bee P, Bower P, Byford S, Churchill R, Calam R, Stallard P, et al. The clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and acceptability of community-based interventions aimed at improving or maintaining quality of life in children of parents with serious mental illness: a systematic review. Health Technology Assessment (Winchester, England) 2014;18:1-250.
  • Bjornstad G, Montgomery P. Family therapy for attention-deficit disorder or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2005:CD005042.
  • Boshoff K, Gibbs D, Phillips RL, Wiles L, Porter L. Parents' voices: 'why and how we advocate'. A meta-synthesis of parents' experiences of advocating for their child with autism spectrum disorder. Child: Care, Health & Development 2016;42:784-97.
  • Brown FL, Whittingham K, Boyd R, Sofronoff K. A systematic review of parenting interventions for traumatic brain injury: Child and parent outcomes. J Head Trauma Rehabil 2013;28:349-60.
  • Cerrillo-Urbina AJ, García-Hermoso A, Sánchez-López M, Pardo-Guijarro MJ, Santos Gómez JL, Martínez-Vizcaíno V. The effects of physical exercise in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized control trials. Child: Care, Health & Development 2015;41:779-88.
  • Chilvers R, Macdonald GM, Hayes AA. Supported housing for people with severe mental disorders. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006:CD000453.
  • Coren E, Hutchfield J, Thomae M, Gustafsson C. Parent training support for intellectually disabled parents. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2010:CD007987.
  • Crowther RE, Marshall M, Bond GR, Huxley P. Helping people with severe mental illness to obtain work: systematic review. BMJ Journal (International Edition) 2001;322:204.
  • Daley DP, van der Oord SP, Ferrin MMDP, Danckaerts MMDP, Doepfner MP, Cortese SMDP, et al. Behavioral Interventions in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Across Multiple Outcome Domains. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2014;53:835.
  • Evans SW, Owens JS, Bunford N. Evidence-Based Psychosocial Treatments for Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol 2014;43:527.
  • Fisher A, Lennon S, Bellon M, Lawn S. Family involvement in behaviour management following acquired brain injury (ABI) in community settings: A systematic review. Brain Injury 2015;29:661-75.
  • Fletcher-Watson S, McConnell F, Manola E, McConachie H. Interventions based on the Theory of Mind cognitive model for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014:CD008785.
  • Furlong M, McGilloway S, Bywater T, Hutchings J, Smith SM, Donnelly M. Behavioural and cognitive-behavioural group-based parenting programmes for early-onset conduct problems in children aged 3 to 12 years. Cochrane Database Syst Reviews 2012:CD008225.
  • Gallagher M, McLeod HJ, McMillan TM. A systematic review of recommended modifications of CBT for people with cognitive impairments following brain injury. Neuropsychol Rehabil. 2016:1-21.
  • Gjermestad A, Luteberget L, Midjo T, Witsø AE. Everyday life of persons with intellectual disability living in residential settings: a systematic review of qualitative studies. Disability & Society 2017;32:213-232.
  • Hardee JP, Fetters L. The effect of exercise intervention on daily life activities and social participation in individuals with Down syndrome: A systematic review. Res Dev Disabil 2017;62:81-103.
  • Harris L, Hankey C, Murray H, Melville C. The effects of physical activity interventions on preventing weight gain and the effects on body composition in young adults with intellectual disabilities: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Clin Obes. 2015;5:198-210.
  • Hartling L, Milne A, Tjosvold L, Wrightson D, Gallivan J, Newton AS. A systematic review of interventions to support siblings of children with chronic illness or disability. J Paediatr Child Health 2014;50:E26-E38.
  • Heyvaert M, Saenen L, Maes B, Onghena P. Systematic review of restraint interventions for challenging behaviour among persons with intellectual disabilities: Focus on effectiveness in single‐case experiments. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil. 2014;27:493-510.
  • Jones TM, Dean CM, Hush JM, Dear BF, Titov N. A systematic review of the efficacy of self-management programs for increasing physical activity in community-dwelling adults with acquired brain injury (ABI). Systematic Reviews 2015;4:51.
  • Karkhaneh M, Clark B, Ospina MB, Seida JC, Smith V, Hartling L. Social Stories to improve social skills in children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism 2010;14:641-62.
  • Kenyon A, McEvoy M, Sprod J, Maher C. Validity of pedometers in people with physical disabilities: a systematic review. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2013;94:1161-70.
  • Kok L, van der Waa A, Klip H, Staal W. The effectiveness of psychosocial interventions for children with a psychiatric disorder and mild intellectual disability to borderline intellectual functioning: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry 2016;21:156-71.
  • Lorenc T, Rodgers M, Rees R, Wright K, Melton H, Sowden A. Preventative co-ordinated low-level support for adults with high-functioning autism: systematic review and service mapping. London, University College London. Institute of Education. EPPI Centre; 2016.
  • Mayo-Wilson E, Montgomery P, Dennis JA. Personal assistance for children and adolescents (0-18) with physical impairments. In: Cochrane Database Syst Rev. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd; 2008.
  • Mayo-Wilson E, Montgomery P, Dennis JA. Personal assistance for children and adolescents (0-18) with intellectual impairments. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2008:CD006858.
  • Mayo-Wilson E, Montgomery P, Dennis J. Personal assistance for children and adolescents (0-18) with both physical and intellectual impairments, Campbell Collaboration; 2008.
  • Mayo-Wilson E, Montgomery P, Dennis J. Personal assistance for adults (19-64) with physical impairments, Campbell Collaboration; 2008.
  • Mayo-Wilson E, Montgomery P, Dennis J. Personal assistance for adults (19-64) with both physical and intellectual impairments, Campbell Collaboration; 2008.
  • Montgomery P, Mayo-Wilson E, Dennis J. Personal assistance for older adults (65+) without dementia, Campbell Collaboration; 2008.
  •  Patterson SY, Smith V, Jelen M. Behavioural intervention practices for stereotypic and repetitive behaviour in individuals with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2010;52:318-27.
  • Patterson SY, Smith V, Mirenda P. A systematic review of training programs for parents of children with autism spectrum disorders: Single subject contributions. Autism 2012;16:498-522.
  • Reichow B, Steiner AM, Volkmar F. Social skills groups for people aged 6 to 21 with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012:CD008511.
  • Schrank B, Moran K, Borghi C, Priebe S. How to support patients with severe mental illness in their parenting role with children aged over 1 year? A systematic review of interventions. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2015;50:1765-83.
  • Sharp K, Hewitt J. Dance as an intervention for people with Parkinson's disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2014;47:445-56.
  • Shilling V, Morris C, Thompson-Coon J, Ukoumunne O, Rogers M, Logan S. Peer support for parents of children with chronic disabling conditions: a systematic review of quantitative and qualitative studies. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2013;55:602-9.
  • Spain D, Sin J, Paliokosta E, Furuta M, Prunty JE, Chalder T, et al. Family therapy for autism spectrum disorders. In: Cochrane Database Syst Rev. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Food and Drug Toxicology Research Centre, National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, India. DO - 10.1002/jat.2718 [doi] England; 2017.
  • Storebo OJ, Skoog M, Damm D, Thomsen PH, Simonsen E, Gluud C. Social skills training for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children aged 5 to 18 years. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2011:CD008223.
  • Sukhodolsky DG, Bloch MH, Panza KE, Reichow B. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety in children with high-functioning autism: A meta-analysis. Pediatrics 2013;132:e1341-e1350.
  • Tate R, Wakim D, Genders M. A systematic review of the efficacy of community-based, leisure/social activity programmes for people with traumatic brain injury. Brain Impairment 2014;15:157-76.
  • Tsang HWH, Ching SC, Tang KH, Lam HT, Law PYY, Wan CN. Therapeutic intervention for internalized stigma of severe mental illness: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Schizophr Res. 2016;173:45-53.
  • Vanderkerken L, Heyvaert M, Maes B, Onghena P. Psychosocial interventions for reducing vocal challenging behavior in persons with autistic disorder: A multilevel meta-analysis of single-case experiments. Res Dev Disabil. 2013;34:4515-33.
  • Westbrook JD, Fong CJ, Nye C, Williams A, Wendt O, Cortopassi T. Transition Services for Youth With Autism: A Systematic Review. Res Soc Work Pract. 2015;25:10-20.
  • Weston L, Hodgekins J, Langdon PE. Effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy with people who have autistic spectrum disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Psychol Rev. 2016;49:41-54.
  • Victor E. A systematic review of interventions for carers in the UK: outcomes and explanatory evidence. Woodford Green, Princess Royal Trust for Carers; 2009.
  • Virues-Ortega J, Julio FM, Pastor-Barriuso R. The TEACCH program for children and adults with autism: A meta-analysis of intervention studies. Clin Psychol Rev. 2013;33:940-53.
  • Ziviani J,  Feeney R, Cuskelly M, Meredith P, Hunt K. Effectiveness of support services for children and young people with challenging behaviours related to or secondary to disability, who are in out-of-home care: a systematic review. Child Youth Serv Rev. 2012;34:758-70.
  • Zwi M, Jones H, Thorgaard C, York A, Dennis JA. Parent training interventions for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children aged 5 to 18 years. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2011:CD003018.

Studies with high risk of bias

  • Agnihotri S, Lynn KM, Colantonio A, Cameron D, Polatajko H. Community integration interventions for youth with acquired brain injuries: a review (Structured abstract). Dev Neurorehabil. 2010;13:369-82.
  • Algozzine B, Browder D, Karvonen M, Test DW, Wood WM. Effects of interventions to promote self-determination for individuals with disabilities. Rev Educ Res. 2001;71:219-77.
  • Alwell M, Cobb B. Social and communicative interventions and transition outcomes for youth with disabilities: A systematic review. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals 2009;32:94-107.
  • Anderson MI, Simpson GK, Daher M, Matheson L, Conley YP, Conley YP. The relationship between coping and psychological adjustment in family caregivers of individuals with traumatic brain injury: A systematic review. In: Annu Rev Nurs Res. Vol. 33, 2015: Traumatic brain injury. New York, NY, US: Springer Publishing Co; 2015:219-47.
  • Andrews J, Falkmer M, Girdler S. Community participation interventions for children and adolescents with a neurodevelopmental intellectual disability: A systematic review. Disability and Rehabilitation: An International, Multidisciplinary Journal 2015;37:825-33.
  • Bakker L, Van Brakel WH. Empowerment Assessment tools in People with Disabilities in Developing Countries. A systematic literature review. Lepr Rev. 2012;83:129-53.
  • Ball J, Fazil Q. Does engagement in meaningful occupation reduce challenging behaviour in people with intellectual disabilities? A systematic review of the literature. J Intellect Disabil. 2013;17:64-77.
  • Bambra C, Whitehead M, Hamilton V. Does 'welfare-to-work' work? A systematic review of the effectiveness of the UK' s welfare-to-work programmes for people with a disability or chronic illness. Soc Sci Med. 2005;60:1905-18.
  • Banda DR, Griffin-Shirley N, Okungu PA, Ogot OP, Meeks MK. A Review of Intervention Studies Conducted with Individuals with Autism and Sensory Impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness (JVIB) 2014;108:299-309.
  • Barrio C, Hernandez M, Gaona L. The family caregiving context among adults with disabilities: A review of the research on developmental disabilities, serious mental illness, and traumatic brain injury. J Fam Soc Work. 2016;19:328-47.
  • Bartlo P, Klein PJ. Physical Activity Benefits and Needs in Adults With Intellectual Disabilities: Systematic Review of the Literature. Les bienfaits de l'activité physique et les besoins des adultes présentant une déficience intellectuelle: une revue de la littérature systématique. 2011;116:220-32.
  • Barton EE, Fettig A. Parent-Implemented Interventions for Young Children With Disabilities: A Review of Fidelity Features. J Early Interv. 2013;35:194-219.
  • Beddows N, Brooks R. Inappropriate sexual behaviour in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: what education is recommended and why. Early Interv Psychiatry. 2016;10:282-9.
  • Binnie J, Blainey S. The use of cognitive behavioural therapy for adults with autism spectrum disorders: a review of the evidence. Ment Health Rev. 2013;18:93-104.
  • Bishop-fitzpatrick L, Minshew NJ, Eack SM. A Systematic Review of Psychosocial Interventions for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013;43:687-94.
  • Boehm TL, Carter EW. A Systematic Review of Informal Relationships Among Parents of Individuals With Intellectual Disability or Autism. Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities 2016;41:173-90.
  • Bornman J, Rathbone L. A sexuality and relationship training program for women with intellectual disabilities: A social story approach. Sex Disabil. 2016;34:269-88.
  • Borsay C. Anger management interventions for adults with learning disabilities living in the community: A review of recent (2000–2010) evidence. Br J Learn Disabil. 2013;41:38-44.
  • Brendel KE, Maynard BR. Child-Parent Interventions for Childhood Anxiety Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Res Soc Work Pract. 2014;24:287-95.
  • Brooker K, van Dooren K, McPherson L, Lennox N, Ware R. Systematic review of interventions aiming to improve involvement in physical activity among adults with intellectual disability. Journal of Physical Activity & Health 2015;12:434-44.
  • Brookman-Frazee L, Stahmer A, Baker-Ericzen MJ, Tsai K. Parenting interventions for children with autism spectrum and disruptive behavior disorders: opportunities for cross-fertilization. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev. 2006;9:181-200.
  • Bruder C, Biza Stenfert K. The efficacy of interventions designed to prevent and protect people with intellectual disabilities from sexual abuse: a review of the literature. The Journal of Adult Protection 2005;7:13-27.
  • Burke MM, Patton KA, Taylor JL. Family support: A review of the literature on families of adolescents with disabilities. J Fam Soc Work. 2016;19:252-85.
  • Cachia R, Anderson A, Moore D. Mindfulness, Stress and Well-Being in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review. Journal of Child & Family Studies (JCFS) 2016;25:1-14.
  • Campbell M, Robertson A, Jahoda A. Psychological therapies for people with intellectual disabilities: Comments on a Matrix of evidence for interventions in challenging behaviour. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2014;58:172-88.
  • Canary HE. Creating Supportive Connections: A Decade of Research on Support for Families of Children with Disabilities. Health Commun. 2008;23:413.
  • Cannella HI, O’Reilly MF, Lancioni GE. Choice and preference assessment research with people with severe to profound developmental disabilities: a review of the literature. Res Dev Disabil. 2005;26:1-15.
  • Carlon S, Carter M, Stephenson J. A Review of Declared Factors Identified by Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in Making Intervention Decisions. Res Autism Spectr Disord. 2013;7:369-81.
  • Carr ME. Self‐management of challenging behaviours associated with autism spectrum disorder: A meta‐analysis. Aust Psychol. 2016;51:316-33.
  • Cavenaugh B, Giesen JM. A systematic review of transition interventions affecting the employability of youths with visual impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness (JVIB) 2012;106:400-13.
  • Cawthon SW, Johnson PM, Garberoglio CL, Schoffstall SJ. Role models as facilitators of social capital for deaf individuals: a research synthesis. Am Ann Deaf. 2016;161:115-27.
  • Chacko A, Jensen S, Lowry L, Cornwell M, Chimklis A, Chan E, et al. Engagement in Behavioral Parent Training: Review of the Literature and Implications for Practice. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev. 2016;19:204-15.
  • Chan JS-L, Tse SH-M. Massage as therapy for persons with intellectual disabilities: a review of the literature. J Intellect Disabil. 2011;15:47-62.
  • Chandler ML. Psychotherapy for adult attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A comparison with cognitive behaviour therapy. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs. 2013;20:814-20.
  • Chang FH, Coster WJ, Helfrich CA. Community participation measures for people with disabilities: a systematic review of content from an international classification of functioning, disability and health perspective. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2013;94:771-81.
  • Chapman MJ, Hare DJ, Caton S, Donalds D, McInnis E, Mitchell D. The use of mindfulness with people with intellectual disabilities: A systematic review and narrative analysis. Mindfulness 2013;4:179-89.
  • Chen L-f, Liu J, Zhang J, Lu X-q. Non-pharmacological interventions for caregivers of patients with schizophrenia: A meta-analysis. Psychiatry Research 2016;235:123-27.
  • Chien CW, Rodger S, Copley J, Skorka K. Comparative content review of children's participation measures using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health-Children and Youth. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014;95:141-52.
  • Chinn D. Review of interventions to enhance the health communication of people with intellectual disabilities: a communicative health literacy perspective. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil. 2017;30:345-59.
  • Chowdhury M, Benson BA. Use of differential reinforcement to reduce behavior problems in adults with intellectual disabilities: A methodological review. Res Dev Disabil. 2011;32:383-94.
  • Chronis-tuscano A, Wang CH, Woods KE, Strickland J, Stein MA. Parent ADHD and Evidence-Based Treatment for Their Children: Review and Directions for Future Research. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2017;45:501-17.
  • Chung P, Yun SJ, Khan F. A comparison of participation outcome measures and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Sets for traumatic brain injury. J Rehabil Med. 2014;46:108-16.
  • Claes C, Van Hove G, Vandevelde S, van Loon J, Schalock RL. Person-centered planning: Analysis of research and effectiveness. Intellect Dev Disabil. 2010;48:432-53.
  • Cleary J, Doody O. Professional carers’ experiences of caring for individuals with intellectual disability and dementia: A review of the literature. J Intellect Disabil. 2017;21:68-86.
  • Coates J, Taylor JA, Sayal K. Parenting interventions for ADHD: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. J Atten Disord. 2015;19:831-43.
  • Copeland SR, Hughes C. Effects of Goal Setting on Task Performance of Persons with Mental Retardation. Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities 2002;37:40-54.
  • Corcoran J, Berry A, Hill S. The lived experience of US parents of children with autism spectrum disorders. J Intellect Disabil. 2015;19:356-66.
  • Corcoran J, Dattalo P. Parent Involvement in Treatment for ADHD: A Meta-Analysis of the Published Studies. Res Soc Work Pract. 2006;16:561-70.
  • Coren E, Thomae M, Hutchfield J. Parenting Training for Intellectually Disabled Parents: A Cochrane Systematic Review. Res Soc Work Pract. 2011;21:432-41.
  • Courtenay K, Jokinen NS, Strydom A. Caregiving and adults with intellectual disabilities affected by dementia. J Policy Pract Intellect Disabil. 2010;7:26-33.
  • Cox AD, Dube C, Temple B. The influence of staff training on challenging behaviour in individuals with intellectual disability: a review. J Intellect Disabil. 2015;19:69-82.
  • Da Paz NS, Wallander JL. Interventions that target improvements in mental health for parents of children with autism spectrum disorders: A narrative review. Clin Psychol Rev. 2017;51:1-14.
  • Davys D, Mitchell D, Haigh C. Adult sibling experience, roles, relationships and future concerns - a review of the literature in learning disabilities. J Clin Nurs. 2011;20:2837-53.
  • de Graaf I, Speetjens P, Smit F, de Wolff M, Tavecchio L. Effectiveness of the Triple P Positive Parenting Program on Behavioral Problems in Children: A Meta-Analysis. Behavior Modification (BMO) 2008;32:714-35.
  • de Graaf I, Speetjens P, Smit F, de Wolff M, Tavecchio L. Effectiveness of the Triple P Positive Parenting Program on Parenting: A Meta-Analysis. Family Relations 2008;57:553-66.
  • de Schipper E, Lundequist A, Coghill D, de Vries PJ, Granlund M, Holtmann M, et al. Ability and disability in autism spectrum disorder: A systematic literature review employing the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health--Children and Youth Version. Autism Res. 2015;8:782-94.
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Appendix 2: Excluded studies

  • Hearing disability - new advances in hearing aid technology (Structured abstract). Health Technology Assessment Database 2000.
  • Efficacy, effectiveness and security of the chelation therapy for the treatment of autistic children (Structured abstract). Health Technology Assessment Database 2005.
  • Mobile video communication for the deaf - assessment of user benefits (Structured abstract). Health Technology Assessment Database 2005.
  • Cognitive rehabilitation for traumatic brain injury in adults (Structured abstract). Health Technology Assessment Database 2008.
  • Special report: early intensive behavioral intervention based on applied behavior analysis among children with autism spectrum disorders (Structured abstract). Health Technology Assessment Database 2008.
  • Cochlear implants for children and adults with severe to profound deafness (Structured abstract). Health Technology Assessment Database 2009.
  • Special report: early intensive behavioral intervention based on applied behavior analysis among children with autism spectrum disorders (Project record). Health Technology Assessment Database 2011.
  • Clinical digest. Early interventions with cognitive behavioural therapy could delay schizophrenia. Nurs Stand. 2013;27:15.
  • Isaac position statement on facilitated communication. AAC: Augment Altern Commun. 2014;30:357-8.
  • Special report: early intensive behavioral intervention and other behavioral interventions for autism spectrum disorder (Structured abstract). Health Technology Assessment Database 2015.
  • Aazh H, Moore BCJ. Audiological Rehabilitation for Facilitating Hearing Aid Use: A Review. J Am Acad Audiol. 2017;28:248-60.
  • Abdelahmeed H. Do Children with Down Syndrome Have Difficulty in Counting and Why? Int J Spec Educ. 2007;22:129-39.
  • Abdullah KN, Al-Sharqi OZ, Abdullah MT. Barriers to the Uptake of Eye Care Services in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review of Interventions. Health Educ J. 2013;72:742-54.
  • Accordino R, Comer R, Heller WB. Searching for music's potential: A critical examination of research on music therapy with individuals with autism. Res Autism Spectr Disord. 2007;1:101-15.
  • Achterberg TJ, Wind H, de Boer AGEM, Frings-Dresen MHW. Factors that promote or hinder young disabled people in work participation: A systematic review. J Occup Rehabil. 2009;19:129-41.
  • Adair B, Ullenhag A, Keen D, Granlund M, Imms C. The effect of interventions aimed at improving participation outcomes for children with disabilities: A systematic review. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2015;57:1093-104.
  • Aderka IM, Nickerson A, Boe HJ, Hofmann SG. Sudden Gains during Psychological Treatments of Anxiety and Depression: A Meta-Analysis. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2012;80:93-101.
  • Agarwal R, Goldenberg M, Perry R, IsHak WW. The quality of life of adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A systematic review. Innov Clin Neurosci. 2012;9:10-21.
  • Agency for Health Care PR. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. Rehabilitation for traumatic brain injury in children and adolescents: summary. J Child Fam Nurs. 2000;3:165-9.
  • Ahern E, Semkovska M. Cognitive functioning in the first-episode of major depressive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuropsychology 2017;31:52-72.
  • Akbari M. A Multidimensional Review of Bilingual Aphasia as a Language Disorder. Advances in Language and Literary Studies (ALLS) 2014;5:73-86.
  • Al Sayegh A, Sandford D, Carson AJ. Psychological approaches to treatment of postconcussion syndrome: A systematic review. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2010;81:1128-34.
  • Aladro-Gonzalvo AR, Araya-Vargas GA, Machado-Diaz M, Salazar-Rojas W. Pilates-based exercise for persistent, non-specific low back pain and associated functional disability: a meta-analysis with meta-regression. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2013;17:125-36.
  • Alali AS, Burton K, Fowler RA, Naimark DMJ, Scales DC, Mainprize TG, et al. Economic Evaluations in the Diagnosis and Management of Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review and Analysis of Quality. Value in Health : The Journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 2015;18:721-34.
  • Al-Azawei A, Serenelli F, Lundqvist K. Universal Design for Learning (UDL): A Content Analysis of Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers from 2012 to 2015. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (JoSoTL) 2016;16:39-56.
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  • Disabil Rehabil.: An International, Multidisciplinary Journal 2015;37:655-66.
  • Alford VM, Remedios LJ, Webb GR, Ewen S. The use of the international classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF) in indigenous healthcare: a systematic literature review. Int J Equity Health. 2013;12:32-41.
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  • Allan R, Ungar M. Couple and family therapy with five physical rehabilitation populations: A scoping review. Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling (AJRC). 2012;18:107-34.
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  • Alnahdi GH. Teaching Reading for Students with Intellectual Disabilities: A Systematic Review. International Education Studies (IES). 2015;8:79-87.
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  • Alsayedhassan B, Banda DR, Griffin-Shirley N. A Review of Picture Exchange Communication Interventions Implemented by Parents and Practitioners. Child & Family Behavior Therapy 2016;38:191-208.
  • Alwell M, Cobb B. Functional life skills curricular interventions for youth with disabilities: A systematic review. Career Dev Transit Except Individ. 2009;32:82-93.
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  • Amlani AM. Efficacy of Directional Microphone Hearing Aids: A Meta-Analytic Perspective. J Am Acad Audiol. 2001;12.
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Appendix 3: Search strategies

Medline via Ovid 8 June 2017

Functioning and disability – preliminary results regarding scientific knowledge evidence in social service methods and interventions
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts. [MeSH] = Term from the Medline controlled vocabulary, including terms found below this term in the MeSH hierarchy; [MeSH:NoExp] = Does not include terms found below this term in the MeSH hierarchy; [MAJR] = MeSH Major Topic; [TIAB] = Title or abstract; [TI] = Title; [AU] = Author; [TW] = Text Word; Systematic[SB] = Filter for retrieving systematic reviews; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase
  Search termsItems found
Population: People with disabilities
1. exp Neurodevelopmental Disorders/px [Psychology] OR Neurocognitive Disorders/px [Psychology] OR Cognition Disorders/px [Psychology] OR exp "Attention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders"/px [Psychology] OR exp Child Development Disorders, Pervasive/px [Psychology] OR exp Communication Disorders/px [Psychology] OR exp Learning Disorders/px [Psychology] OR exp hearing disorders/px [Psychology] OR exp hearing loss/px [Psychology] OR exp deafness/px [Psychology] OR exp deaf-blind disorders/px [Psychology] OR exp usher syndromes/px [Psychology] OR exp wolfram syndrome/px [Psychology] OR exp vision disorders/px [Psychology] OR exp blindness/px [Psychology] OR exp Disabled Persons/px [Psychology] OR "Child of Impaired Parents"/px [Psychology] OR Cognition Disorders/px [Psychology] OR Brain Diseases/px [Psychology] OR Brain Damage, Chronic/px [Psychology] OR Brain Injury, Chronic/px [Psychology] OR Brain Injuries/px [Psychology] OR exp *neurodevelopmental disorders/ or exp *"attention deficit and disruptive behavior disorders"/ or exp *child development disorders, pervasive/ or exp *communication disorders/ or exp *learning disorders/ OR exp *usher syndromes/ or exp *wolfram syndrome/ or exp *vision disorders/ or exp *blindness/ or exp *Disabled Persons/ or *"Child of Impaired Parents"/ or *Cognition Disorders/ or *Brain Diseases/ or *Brain Damage, Chronic/ or *Brain Injury, Chronic/ or *Brain Injuries/ 346 233
2. ((cognit* or psychosocial* or intellectual* or development* or physical* or mental* or memory or learning or functional*) adj (disab* or impair* or retard* or limitation*)).ti. OR ("brain impair*" or "cognitive deficit*" or (brain adj (damage* or injur*))).ti. OR (neurodevelopmental adj (disab* or impair* or limitation* or delay*)).ti. OR (autism or autist* or asperger*).ti. OR (deaf* or blind* or (hearing adj (impair* or disabil*)) or ((vision or sight) adj (impair* or disabil*))).ti. "neuropsychiatric*".ti.
limit to "pubmed not medline"
9 175
3. 1 OR 2 355 397
Study types: systematic reviews, meta analysis
4. systematic reviews  
5. (((((review or systematic or meta or synthes*) adj3 (qualitative or narrative or interpret* or integrative or evidence)) or (meta adj3 (study or studies or synthes* or ethnograph* or "data analys*" or summary)) or ((realist or framework or thematic or "mixed method*") adj3 (synthes* or review)) or ((meta* or review or synthes* or systematic) adj3 "grounded theory") or ((information or data) adj2 synthes*)).af. or adj2 extract*.af.) or (metasynthes* or metaethnograph* or "qualitative cross-case analysis" or "aggregated analys*").af. 177 693
Limits: publication year, language
6. yr="2000 - 2017"  
7. danish or english or norwegian or swedish  
Final 3 AND 4 AND 6 AND 7 3 804
  3 AND 5 AND 6 AND 7 1 363

Cohrane Library via Wiley 19 May 2017

Functioning and disability – preliminary results regarding scientific knowledge evidence in social service methods and interventions
  Search termsItems found
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts. [AU] = Author; [MAJR] = MeSH Major Topic; [MeSH] = Term from the Medline controlled vocabulary, including terms found below this term in the MeSH hierarchy; [MeSH:NoExp] = Does not include terms found below this term in the MeSH hierarchy; Systematic[SB] = Filter for retrieving systematic reviews; [TI] = Title; [TIAB] = Title or abstract; [TW] = Text Word; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase; CDSR = Cochrane Database of Systematic Review; CENTRAL = Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, “trials”; CRM = Method Studies; DARE = Database Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, “other reviews”; EED = Economic Evaluations; HTA = Health Technology Assessments
Population: People with disabilities
1. ((cognit* or psychosocial* or intellectual* or development* or physical* or mental* or memory or learning or functional*) next (disab* or impair* or retard* or limitation*)):ti (Word variations have been searched) 3 184
2. "brain impair*" or "cognitive deficit*" or ((brain) next (damage* or injur*)):ti (Word variations have been searched) 2 161
3. (neurodevelopmental) next (disab* or impair* or limitation* or delay*):ti (Word variations have been searched) 17
4. (autism or autist* or asperger*):ti (Word variations have been searched) 1 345
5. deaf* or blind*:ti or hearing next (impair* or disabil*):ti or (vision or sight) next (impair* or disabil*):ti (Word variations have been searched) 65 929
6. neuropsychiatric*:ti (Word variations have been searched) 218
Limits: publication year
7. 2000-2017  
Final (1-6 (OR)) AND 7 CDSR 154
DARE 476
HTA 170

Scopus via Elsevier 8 June 2017

Functioning and disability –preliminary results regarding scientific knowledge evidence in social service methods and interventions
/de= Term from the EMTREE controlled vocabulary: /exp= Includes terms found below this term in the EMTREE hierarchy; /mj = Major Topic; :ab = Abstract; :au = Author; :ti = Article Title; :ti,ab = Title or abstract; * = Truncation; ’ ’ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase
  Search termsItems found
Population: People with disabilities
1. ( TITLE ( ( cognit* OR psychosocial* OR intellectual* OR development* OR physical* OR mental* OR memory OR learning OR functional* ) AND ( disab* OR impair* OR retard* OR limitation* OR delay* ) ) ) OR ( TITLE ( disab* OR impair* OR "brain impair*" OR "cognitive deficit*" OR autism OR autist* OR asperger* AND deaf* OR blind* OR neuropsychiatric* ) ) OR ( TITLE ( ( brain ) W/1 ( damage* OR injur* ) ) ) OR ( TITLE ( ( neurodevelopmental ) W/1 ( disab* OR impair* OR limitation* OR delay* ) ) ) OR ( TITLE ( ( hearing ) W/1 ( impair* OR disabil* ) ) ) OR ( TITLE ( ( vision OR sight ) W/1 ( impair* OR disabil* ) ) ) 137 318
Study types: systematic reviews, metasynthesis
2. ( ( KEY ( "Systematic review" ) OR KEY ( "Meta analysis" ) ) OR ( INDEXTERMS ( 'systematic AND review' OR 'meta AND analysis' OR "Meta-Analysis" ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( systematic W/2 review* ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( meta-analy* OR metaanaly* ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "systematic overview*" OR "methodological overview*" ) ) ) 292 395
3. ( ( ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( meta PRE/2 ( study OR studies OR synthes* OR ethnograph* OR "data analys*" OR summary ) ) ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( realist OR framework OR thematic OR "mixed method*" ) PRE/1 ( synthes* OR review ) ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( meta* OR review OR synthes* OR systematic ) PRE/3 ( "grounded theory" ) ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( information OR data ) PRE/2 synthes* ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( data PRE/1 extract* ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( metasynthes* OR metaethnograph* OR "qualitative cross-case analysis" OR "aggregated analys*" ) ) ) 192 615
Limits: publication year, language
4. 2000-2017  
5. english, danish  
Final 1 AND 2 AND 4 AND 5 2 080
  1 AND 3 AND 4 AND 5 1 176

Socindex via 7 April 2017

Functioning and disability – preliminary results regarding scientific knowledge evidence in social service methods and interventions 
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts. AB = Abstract; AU = Author; DE = Term from the thesaurus; MH = Term from the “Cinahl Headings” thesaurus; MM = Major Concept; TI = Title; TX = All Text. Performs a keyword search of all the 
database's searchable fields; ZC = Methodology Index; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase
  Search termsSearch terms
Population: People with disabilities
1. DE "DISABILITIES" OR DE "COMMUNICATIVE disorders" OR DE "DEVELOPMENTAL disabilities" OR DE "LEARNING disabilities" OR DE "MENTAL illness" OR DE "PERCEPTUAL disorders" OR DE "SOCIAL disabilities" OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities" OR DE "PEOPLE with mental disabilities" OR DE "WOMEN with disabilities" OR DE "PEOPLE with visual disabilities" OR DE "PEOPLE with social disabilities" OR DE "CHILDREN with disabilities" OR DE "WOMEN with mental disabilities" OR DE "YOUTH with social disabilities" OR DE "YOUTH with mental disabilities" OR DE "WOMEN with social disabilities" OR DE "TEENAGERS with disabilities" OR DE "STUDENTS with disabilities" OR DE "OLDER people with visual disabilities" OR DE "OLDER people with mental disabilities" OR DE "MEN with disabilities" OR DE "HISPANIC Americans with disabilities" OR DE "COLLEGE students with disabilities" OR DE "AFRICAN Americans with disabilities" OR DE "STUDENTS with social disabilities" OR DE "PRISONERS with disabilities" OR DE "PEOPLE with perceptual disabilities" OR DE "PARENTS with disabilities" OR DE "DEVELOPMENTALLY disabled" OR DE "CHILDREN with perceptual disabilities" OR DE "TEENAGERS with social disabilities" OR DE "TEENAGERS with mental disabilities" OR DE "STUDENTS with visual disabilities" OR DE "PEOPLE with mental disabilities -- Psychology" OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities -- Psychology" OR DE "PARENTS with mental disabilities" OR DE "MEN with social disabilities" OR DE "MEN with mental disabilities" OR DE "INFANTS with disabilities" OR DE "DISABLED minorities" OR DE "CONSUMERS with disabilities" OR DE "CHILDREN with visual disabilities" OR DE "CHILDREN with social disabilities" OR DE "CHILDREN with mental disabilities -- Social conditions" OR DE "CHILDREN with mental disabilities" OR DE "SOCIAL work with the mentally disabled" OR DE "SOCIAL work with mentally disabled children" OR DE "SOCIAL work with disabled persons" OR DE "SOCIAL work with disabled children" OR DE "LEARNING disabled children" OR DE "DEVELOPMENTALLY disabled children" OR DE "LEARNING disabled persons" OR DE "DEVELOPMENTALLY disabled youth" OR DE "SELF-neglect" OR DE "DISABILITY recipients" 26 246
2. DE "BLINDNESS" OR DE "HEARING impaired" OR DE "HEARING impaired college students" OR DE "HEARING impaired children" OR DE "HEARING impaired students" OR DE "DEAF children" OR DE "CHILDREN with visual disabilities" OR DE "STUDENTS with disabilities" OR DE "DEAF students" OR DE "BLIND children" OR DE "BLIND" OR DE "DEAF parents" OR DE "DEAF" 1 977
3. DE "ATTENTION-deficit hyperactivity disorder" OR DE "ATTENTION-deficit disorder in adolescence" OR DE "ATTENTION-deficit-disordered children" OR DE "ATTENTION-deficit-disordered youth" OR DE "AUTISM" OR DE "AUTISM in adolescence" OR DE "AUTISM in adults" OR DE "AUTISM in children" OR DE "AUTISM spectrum disorders" OR DE "AUTISM spectrum disorders in women" OR DE "AUTISTIC children" OR DE "AUTISTIC youth" 3 645
4. DE "DEVELOPMENTALLY disabled -- Means of communication" OR DE "DEVELOPMENTALLY disabled children -- Education" OR DE "SELF-help devices for people with disabilities" OR DE "LEARNING disabled persons -- Education" OR DE "DISCRIMINATION against people with disabilities" OR DE "DEVELOPMENTALLY disabled -- Psychology" OR DE "DEVELOPMENTALLY disabled -- Institutional care" OR DE "COMMUNICATION devices for people with disabilities" OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities -- Employment" OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities -- Civil rights" OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities -- Means of communication" OR DE "COMMUNICATION in services for people with disabilities" OR DE "CHILDREN with disabilities -- Education" OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities -- Functional assessment" OR DE "COMPUTERS & people with disabilities" OR DE "AIDS for people with disabilities" OR DE "CHILDREN with disabilities -- Development" OR DE "PEOPLE with mental disabilities -- Education" OR DE "PEOPLE with mental disabilities & crime" OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities -- Civil rights" OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities -- Abuse of" OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities & crime" OR DE "COMMUNICATION devices for people with disabilities" OR DE "CHILDREN with mental disabilities -- Education" OR DE "CHILDREN with disabilities -- Education" OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities -- Care" OR DE "DISCRIMINATION in housing against people with disabilities" OR DE "COMPUTERS & people with visual disabilities" OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities -- Suffrage" OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities -- Services for" OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities -- Employment" OR DE "LEARNING disabilities -- Diagnosis" OR DE "DISCRIMINATION against people with disabilities" OR DE "DAY care centers for people with mental disabilities" OR DE "DAY care centers for people with disabilities" OR DE "COMMUNICATION in services for people with disabilities" OR DE "CHILDREN with social disabilities -- Education" OR DE "ANIMALS as aids for people with disabilities" OR DE "STUDENTS with disabilities -- Education" OR DE "PEOPLE with mental disabilities -- Psychology" OR DE "PEOPLE with mental disabilities -- Mental health" OR DE "PEOPLE with mental disabilities -- Institutional care" OR DE "PEOPLE with mental disabilities -- Employment" OR DE "PEOPLE with mental disabilities -- Civil rights" OR DE "PEOPLE with mental disabilities -- Care" OR DE "PEOPLE with mental disabilities -- Abuse of" OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities in mass media" OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities -- Social conditions" OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities -- Rehabilitation" OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities -- Psychology" OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities -- Legal status, laws, etc." OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities -- Institutional care" OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities -- Housing" OR DE "LEARNING disabilities -- Treatment" OR DE "LEARNING disabilities -- Social aspects" OR DE "DEVELOPMENTAL disabilities -- Social aspects" OR DE "CHILDREN with disabilities -- Services for" OR DE "CHILDREN with disabilities -- Rehabilitation" OR DE "CHILDREN with disabilities -- Psychology" OR DE "CHILDREN with disabilities -- Family relationships" OR DE "CHILDREN with disabilities -- Care" OR DE "CHILDREN with mental disabilities -- Social conditions" OR DE "CHILDREN with mental disabilities -- Care" OR DE "CHILDREN with disabilities -- Services for" OR DE "CHILDREN with disabilities -- Rehabilitation" OR DE "CHILDREN with disabilities -- Psychology" OR DE "CHILDREN with disabilities -- Family relationships" OR DE "DAY care centers" OR DE "LEARNING disabled persons -- Education" OR DE "DEAF -- Education" OR DE "DEAF -- Means of communication" OR DE "DEAF men" OR DE "DEAF students" OR DE "DEAF women" OR DE "DEAFBLIND children" OR DE "BLIND -- Employment" OR DE "BLIND parents" OR DE "BLIND students" OR DE "BLIND women" OR DE "AUTISTIC children -- Care" OR DE "ATTENTION-deficit hyperactivity disorder -- Diagnosis" OR DE "ATTENTION-deficit hyperactivity disorder -- Treatment" OR DE "ATTENTION-deficit-disordered parents" OR DE "AUTISM in children -- Diagnosis" OR DE "AUTISM -- Diagnosis" 6 480
5. TI ( (cognit* OR psychosocial* OR intellectual* OR development* OR physical* OR mental* OR memory OR learning OR functional*) AND (disab* OR impair* OR retard* OR limitation* OR delay*) ) 6 970
6. TI (disab* or impair*) 14 639
7. AB ( (cognit* OR psychosocial* OR intellectual* OR development* OR physical* OR mental* OR memory OR learning OR functional*) N3 (disab* OR impair* OR retard* OR limitation*) ) 17 369
8. SU ( (cognit* OR psychosocial* OR intellectual* OR development* OR physical* OR mental* OR memory OR learning OR functional*) N3 (disab* OR impair* OR retard* OR limitation*) ) 11 860
9. TI ("brain impair*" OR "cognitive deficit*") OR AB ("brain impair*" OR "cognitive deficit*") OR TI ( (brain N1 (damage* OR injur*)) ) OR AB ( (brain N1 (damage* OR injur*)) ) OR SU ( (brain N1 (damage* OR injur*)) ) 1 832
10. AB (neurodevelopmental N1 (disab* OR impair* OR limitation* OR delay*) ) 33
11. TI ( autism OR autist* OR asperger* ) OR AB ( autism OR autist* OR asperger* ) OR SU ( autism OR autist* OR asperger* ) 3 038
12. TI ( deaf* OR blind* OR (hearing N1 (impair* OR disabil*)) OR ((vision OR sight) N1 (impair* OR disabil*)) ) OR AB ( deaf* OR blind* OR (hearing N1 (impair* OR disabil*)) OR ((vision OR sight) N1 (impair* OR disabil*)) ) OR SU ( deaf* OR blind* OR (hearing N1 (impair* OR disabil*)) OR (vision OR sight) N1 (impair* OR disabil*)) ) 4 955
13. TI neuropsychiatric* OR AB neuropsychiatric* OR SU neuropsychiatric* 527
14. 1-13 (OR) 57 639
Study types: systematic reviews, metasynthesis
15. DE "Systematic reviews (Medical research)" 1 435
16. ( systematic* N3 review* OR ( metaanaly* OR meta-analy* ) ) OR ( ( (systematic*) n3 (bibliographic* OR literature) ) OR ( (comprehensive*) N3 (bibliographic* OR literature) ) OR (integrative n3 review) OR (information n2 synthes*) ) OR ( (review*) W1 (random* OR control* OR trial* OR study OR studies OR experiment* OR empiric*) ) 9 882
17. 15 OR 16 9 882
18. (review or systematic or meta or synthes*) N3 (qualitative or narrative or interpret* or integrative OR evidence) 5 114
19. meta W3 (study or studies or synthes* or ethnograph* or "data analys*" or summary) 633
20. (realist or framework or thematic or "mixed method*") N3 (synthes* or review) 673
21. (meta* or review or synthes* or systematic) N3 ("grounded theory") 172
22. (information OR data) N2 synthes* 357
23. data W2 extract* 525
24. metasynthes* OR metaethnograph* OR "qualitative cross-case analysis" OR "aggregated analys*" 27
25. 18-24 (OR ) 7 132
Limits: Publication year, language
26. Limiters - Date of Publication: 20000101-20171231; Language: Danish, English, Norwegian, Swedish  
Final 14 AND 17 AND 26 369
  14 AND 25 AND 26 198

PsycInfo via 7 April 2017

Functioning and disability – preliminary results regarding scientific knowledge evidence in social service methods and interventions
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts. AB = Abstract; AU = Author; DE = Term from the thesaurus; MH = Term from the “Cinahl Headings” thesaurus; MM = Major Concept; TI = Title; TX = All Text. Performs a keyword search of all the 
database's searchable fields; ZC = Methodology Index; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase
  Search termsItems found
Population: People with disabilities
1. DE "Disabilities" OR DE "Developmental Disabilities" OR DE "Learning Disabilities" OR DE "Multiple Disabilities" OR DE "Reading Disabilities" OR DE "Specific Language Impairment" OR DE "Autism Spectrum Disorders" OR DE "Cornelia De Lange Syndrome" OR DE "Deaf Blind" OR DE "Delayed Development" OR DE "Intellectual Development Disorder" OR DE "Learning Disorders"  OR  DE "Hearing Disorders"  OR  DE "Deaf"  OR  DE "Partially Hearing Impaired"  OR  DE "Language Disorders" OR DE "Microcephaly" OR DE "Prader Willi Syndrome" OR DE "Spina Bifida"  OR  DE "Congenital Disorders"  OR  DE "Adventitious Disorders"  OR  DE "Traumatic Brain Injury"  OR  DE "Delayed Development"  OR DE "Anencephaly" OR DE "Crying Cat Syndrome" OR DE "Down's Syndrome" OR DE "Tay Sachs Disease"  OR  DE "Disabled Personnel"  OR  DE "Attention Deficit Disorder" OR DE "Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity"  OR DE "Vision Disorders" OR DE "Blind"  OR  DE "Impaired Professionals"  OR  DE "Cognitive Impairment"  OR  DE "Brain Damage"  OR DE "Chronic Mental Illness" OR DE "Chronic Psychosis" OR DE "Cognitive Impairment" OR DE "Communication Disorders" OR DE "Language Disorders" OR DE "Speech Disorders" OR DE "Vision Disorders" OR DE "Disability Management"  OR  DE "Disability Evaluation" OR DE "Disabled Attitudes Toward" OR DE "Sensory Disabilities Attitudes Toward"  OR  DE "Disability Discrimination"  OR  DE "Accommodation Disabilities"  OR  DE "Physical Disabilities Attitudes Toward" 263 893
2. TI ( (cognit* OR psychosocial* OR intellectual* OR development* OR physical* OR mental* OR memory OR learning OR functional*) N1 (disab* OR impair* OR retard* OR limitation*) ) 50 089
3. AB ( (cognit* OR psychosocial* OR intellectual* OR development* OR physical* OR mental* OR memory OR learning OR functional*) W0 (disab* OR impair* OR retard* OR limitation*) ) 107 113
4. SU ( (cognit* OR psychosocial* OR intellectual* OR development* OR physical* OR mental* OR memory OR learning OR functional*) N3 (disab* OR impair* OR retard* OR limitation*) ) 114 750
5. TI ("brain impair*" OR "cognitive deficit*") OR AB ("brain impair*" OR "cognitive deficit*") OR TI ( (brain N1 (damage* OR injur*)) ) OR AB ( (brain N1 (damage* OR injur*)) ) OR SU ( (brain N1 (damage* OR injur*)) ) 58 194
6. AB (neurodevelopmental N1 (disab* OR impair* OR limitation* OR delay*) ) 597
7. TI ( autism OR autist* OR asperger* ) OR AB ( autism OR autist* OR asperger* ) OR SU ( autism OR autist* OR asperger* ) 48 821
8. TI ( deaf* OR blind* OR (hearing N1 (impair* OR disabil*)) OR ((vision OR sight) N1 (impair* OR disabil*)) ) OR AB ( deaf* OR blind* OR (hearing N1 (impair* OR disabil*)) OR ((vision OR sight) N1 (impair* OR disabil*)) ) OR SU ( deaf* OR blind* OR (hearing N1 (impair* OR disabil*)) OR (vision OR sight) N1 (impair* OR disabil*)) ) 77 596
9. TI neuropsychiatric* OR AB neuropsychiatric* OR SU neuropsychiatric* 15 089
10. 1-9 (OR) 394 162
Study types: systematic reviews, metasynthesis
11. DE "Meta Analysis" OR ZC "systematic review" OR ZC "meta analysis" 31 642
12. TX (systematic* N3 review*) OR TX (metaanaly* OR meta-analy* OR "meta analy*" ) OR TX ((systematic* n3 bibliographic*) OR (systematic* n3 literature) OR (comprehensive* n3 literature) OR (comprehensive* n3 bibliographic*) OR (integrative n3 review) OR (information n2 synthesis) OR (data n2 synthesis) OR (data n2 extract*)) OR JN ("Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews") 54 900
13. 28 OR 29 54 900
14. (ZC "metasynthesis") 31 642
15. ( ((review or systematic or meta or synthes*) N3 (qualitative or narrative or interpret* or integrative OR evidence) ) OR ( meta W3 (study or studies or synthes* or ethnograph* or "data analys*" or summary) ) OR ( (realist or framework or thematic or "mixed method*") N3 (synthes* or review) ) OR ( (meta* or review or synthes* or systematic) N3 ("grounded theory") ) OR ( (information OR data) N2 synthes* ) OR data W2 extract* OR ( metasynthes* OR metaethnograph* OR "qualitative cross-case analysis" OR "aggregated analys*" ) 35 621
16. 31 OR 32 35 629
Limits: publication year, language
17. Limiters  - Publication Year: 2000-2017; Language: Danish, English, Norwegian, Swedish  
Final 27 AND 30 AND 34 6 252
  27 AND 33 AND 34 3 438

ERIC via 7 April 2017

Functioning and disability – preliminary results regarding scientific knowledge evidence in social service methods and interventions
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts. AB = Abstract; AU = Author; DE = Term from the thesaurus; MH = Term from the “Cinahl Headings” thesaurus; MM = Major Concept; TI = Title; TX = All Text. Performs a keyword search of all the 
database's searchable fields; ZC = Methodology Index; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase
  Search termsItems found
Population: People with disabilities
1. DE "Disabilities" OR DE "Adventitious Impairments" OR DE "Behavior Disorders" OR DE "Communication Disorders" OR DE "Congenital Impairments" OR DE "Developmental Disabilities" OR DE "Intellectual Disability" OR DE "Language Impairments" OR DE "Learning Disabilities" OR DE "Mental Disorders" OR DE "Mild Disabilities" OR DE "Multiple Disabilities" OR DE "Perceptual Impairments" OR DE "Physical Disabilities" OR DE "Severe Disabilities" OR DE "Visual Impairments" OR DE "Adventitious Impairments" OR DE "Attention Deficit Disorders" OR DE "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" OR DE "Behavior Disorders" OR DE "Communication Disorders" OR DE "Congenital Impairments" OR DE "Cerebral Palsy" OR DE "Fetal Alcohol Syndrome" OR DE "Alzheimers Disease" OR DE "Eating Disorders" OR DE "Hearing Impairments" OR DE "Deafness" OR DE "Partial Hearing" OR DE "Down Syndrome" OR DE "Moderate Intellectual Disability" OR DE "Aphasia" OR DE "Dyslexia" OR DE "Anxiety Disorders" OR DE "Emotional Disturbances" OR DE "Neurosis" OR DE "Pervasive Developmental Disorders" OR DE "Mild Intellectual Disability" OR DE "Minimal Brain Dysfunction" OR DE "Deaf Blind" OR DE "Perceptual Impairments" OR DE "Neurological Impairments" OR DE "Severe Disabilities" OR DE "Psychosis" OR DE "Severe Intellectual Disability" OR DE "Speech Impairments" OR DE "Articulation Impairments" OR DE "Delayed Speech" OR DE "Stuttering" OR DE "Voice Disorders" OR DE "Blindness" OR DE "Partial Vision" OR DE "Accessibility (for Disabled)" OR DE "Attitudes toward Disabilities" OR DE "Developmental Delays" OR DE "Disability Discrimination" OR DE "Disability Identification" OR DE "Parents with Disabilities" OR DE "Special Education Teachers" OR DE "Special Needs Students" OR DE "Individualized Family Service Plans" OR DE "Individualized Transition Plans" OR DE "Special Education" OR DE "Adapted Physical Education" 132 559
2. TI ( (cognit* OR psychosocial* OR intellectual* OR development* OR physical* OR mental* OR memory OR learning OR functional*) AND (disab* OR impair* OR retard* OR limitation* OR delay*) ) OR TI (disab* or impair*) OR TI ("brain impair*" OR "cognitive deficit*") OR TI (brain N1 (damage* OR injur*)) TI (neurodevelopmental N1 (disab* OR impair* OR limitation* OR delay*) ) OR TI ( autism OR autist* OR asperger* ) OR TI ( deaf* OR blind* OR (hearing N1 (impair* OR disabil*)) OR TI ((vision OR sight) N1 (impair* OR disabil*)) OR TI (neuropsychiatric*) OR AB ( (cognit* OR psychosocial* OR intellectual* OR development* OR physical* OR mental* OR memory OR learning OR functional*) AND (disab* OR impair* OR retard* OR limitation* OR delay*) ) OR AB (disab* or impair*) OR AB ("brain impair*" OR "cognitive deficit*") OR AB (brain N1 (damage* OR injur*)) AB (neurodevelopmental N1 (disab* OR impair* OR limitation* OR delay*) ) OR AB ( autism OR autist* OR asperger* ) OR AB ( deaf* OR blind* OR (hearing N1 (impair* OR disabil*)) OR AB ((vision OR sight) N1 (impair* OR disabil*)) OR AB (neuropsychiatric*) 111 673
3. 1 OR 2 168 168
Study types: systematic reviews, metasynthesis
4. DE "Meta Analysis" OR ( ( systematic* N3 review* OR ( metaanaly* OR meta-analy* ) ) OR ( ( (systematic*) n3 (bibliographic* OR literature) ) OR ( (comprehensive*) N3 (bibliographic* OR literature) ) OR (integrative n3 review) OR (information n2 synthes*) ) OR ( (review*) W1 (random* OR control* OR trial* OR study OR studies OR experiment* OR empiric*) ) ) 11 079
5. ( (review or systematic or meta or synthes*) N3 (qualitative or narrative or interpret* or integrative OR evidence) ) OR ( meta W3 (study or studies or synthes* or ethnograph* or "data analys*" or summary) ) OR ( (realist or framework or thematic or "mixed method*") N3 (synthes* or review) ) OR ( (meta* or review or synthes* or systematic) N3 ("grounded theory") ) OR ( (information OR data) N2 synthes* ) OR data W2 extract* OR ( metasynthes* OR metaethnograph* OR "qualitative cross-case analysis" OR "aggregated analys*" ) 6 203
Limits: publication year, language
6. Limiters  - Date Published: 20000101-20171231  
Final 3 AND 4 AND 6 1 591
  3 AND 5 AND 6 791

Sociological Abstracts, Social Services Abstracts via Proquest 9 May 2017

Functioning and disability – preliminary results regarding scientific knowledge evidence in social service methods and interventions
  Search termsItems found
Population: People with disabilities
1. SU.EXACT("Blind" OR "Congenitally Handicapped" OR "Deaf" OR "Handicapped" OR "Mentally Retarded" OR "Physically Handicapped") OR SU.EXACT("Congenitally Handicapped") OR SU.EXACT("Blind") OR SU.EXACT("Deaf") OR SU.EXACT("Mentally Retarded") OR SU.EXACT("Physically Handicapped") OR SU.EXACT("Developmental Disabilities") OR SU.EXACT("Learning Disabilities") OR SU.EXACT("Disability Recipients") OR SU.EXACT("Autism") OR SU.EXACT("Mental Illness") OR SU.EXACT("Mental Patients") OR SU.EXACT("Attention Deficit Disorder") OR SU.EXACT("Language Disorders") 25 024
2. ti((cognitive OR cognition OR psychosocial OR psychosocially OR intellectual OR intellectually OR developmental OR developmentally OR physical OR physically OR mental OR mentally OR memory OR learning OR functional OR functionally) AND (disabled OR disability OR disabilities OR impaired OR impairment OR retarded OR retardation OR limitation OR limitations OR delay OR delayed)) OR ti(disab* or impair*) OR ab((cognitive OR cognition OR psychosocial OR psychosocially OR intellectual OR intellectually OR developmental OR developmentally OR physical OR physically OR mental OR mentally OR memory OR learning OR functional OR functionally) NEAR/1 (disabled OR disability OR disabilities OR impaired OR impairment OR retarded OR retardation OR limitation OR limitations OR delay OR delayed) ) OR su((cognitive OR cognition OR psychosocial OR psychosocially OR intellectual OR intellectually OR developmental OR developmentally OR physical OR physically OR mental OR mentally OR memory OR learning OR functional OR functionally) NEAR/1 (disabled OR disability OR disabilities OR impaired OR impairment OR retarded OR retardation OR limitation OR limitations OR delay OR delayed)) OR ti( ((brain) AND (damaged OR damage OR injury OR injured OR injuries)) OR "cognitive deficits") OR (ab(("brain impaired" OR "brain impairment" OR "brain damage" OR "brain damaged" OR "brain injury" OR "brain injured" OR "brain injuries" OR "cognitive deficits") ) OR su(("brain impaired" OR "brain impairment" OR "brain damage" OR "brain damaged" OR "brain injury" OR "brain injured" OR "brain injuries" OR "cognitive deficits") )) OR (ti("neurodevelopmental disability" OR "neurodevelopmentally disabled" OR "neurodevelopmental impairment" OR "neurodevelopmentally impaired" OR "neurodevelopmental limitations" OR "neurodevelopmental delay" OR "neurodevelopmentally delayed") OR ab("neurodevelopmental disability" OR "neurodevelopmentally disabled" OR "neurodevelopmental impairment" OR "neurodevelopmentally impaired" OR "neurodevelopmental limitations" OR "neurodevelopmental delay" OR "neurodevelopmentally delayed") OR su("neurodevelopmental disability" OR "neurodevelopmentally disabled" OR "neurodevelopmental impairment" OR "neurodevelopmentally impaired" OR "neurodevelopmental limitations" OR "neurodevelopmental delay" OR "neurodevelopmentally delayed")) OR (ti(autism OR autist* OR asperger* ) OR ab(autism OR autist* OR asperger* ) OR su(autism OR autist* OR asperger* )) OR (ti(deaf OR deafness OR blind OR blindness OR OR ((hearing) AND (impaired OR impairment OR disability OR disabilities OR disabled)) OR ((vision OR sight) AND (impaired OR impairment OR disability OR disabilities OR disabled)) ) OR ab(deaf OR deafness OR blind OR blindness OR ((hearing) NEAR/0 (impaired OR impairment OR disability OR disabilities OR disabled)) OR ((vision OR sight) NEAR/0 (impaired OR impairment OR disability OR disabilities OR disabled)) ) OR su(deaf OR deafness OR blind OR blindness OR ((hearing) NEAR/0 (impaired OR impairment OR disability OR disabilities OR disabled)) OR ((vision OR sight) NEAR/0 (impaired OR impairment OR disability OR disabilities OR disabled)) )) OR (ti(neuropsychiatric) OR ab(neuropsychiatric) OR su(neuropsychiatric)) 24 972
3. 1 OR 2 39 120
Study types: systematic reviews, metasynthesis
4. SU.EXACT("Literature Reviews") OR SU.EXACT("Bibliographies") 1 660
5. ((systematic OR systematically) NEAR/3 (bibliographic OR literature)) OR ((comprehensive) NEAR/3 (bibliographic OR literature)  OR (integrative) NEAR/3 (review) ) OR ((data) NEAR/2 (synthesis OR syntheses OR synthesizing OR extracting OR extraction) OR  "Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews") OR ((information) NEAR/2 (synthesis)  OR (review OR reviews OR reviewing) PRE/1 (randomized OR randomized OR controlled OR control OR trial OR trials OR study OR studies OR experiment OR experiments OR experimental OR experimentally OR empiric OR empirically)) 18 235
6. 4 OR 5 19 727
7. ((review or systematic or meta or synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing) N/3 (qualitative or narrative or interpretive or integrative OR evidence)) OR ((meta) PRE/3 (study or studies or synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing or ethnography or ethnographic or "data analysis" OR "data analyses" or summary) OR (realist or framework or thematic or "mixed method" OR "mixed methods") N/3 (synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing or review)  ) OR ((meta or metaanalysis or metaanalyses or review or synthesis or syntheses OR systematic) N/3 ("grounded theory") OR (information OR data) N/2 (synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing)) OR ((data) PRE/2 (extraction) OR metaanalytic or metasynthesis OR metasyntheses OR metaethnography OR metaethnographic OR "qualitative cross-case analysis" OR "aggregated analysis" OR "aggregated analyses") 18 235
Limits: publication year, language
8. 2000-2017, english, swedish  
Final 3 AND 6 AND 8 398
  3 AND 7 AND 8 343

Academic Search Elite via 8 June 2017

Functioning and disability – preliminary results regarding scientific knowledge evidence in social service methods and interventions
The search result, usually found at the end of the documentation, forms the list of abstracts. AB = Abstract; AU = Author; DE = Term from the thesaurus; MH = Term from the “Cinahl Headings” thesaurus; MM = Major Concept; TI = Title; TX = All Text. Performs a keyword search of all the 
database's searchable fields; ZC = Methodology Index; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase
  Search termsItems found
Population: People with disabilities
1. DE "DISABILITIES" OR DE "ADVENTITIOUS disabilities" OR DE "AIDS for people with disabilities" OR DE "COMMUNICATIVE disorders" OR DE "DEVELOPMENTAL disabilities" OR DE "HEARING disorders" OR DE "LEARNING disabilities" OR DE "MEMORY disorders" OR DE "MOVEMENT disorders" OR DE "PERCEPTUAL disorders" OR DE "SOCIAL disabilities" OR DE "VISION disorders" OR DE "DISABILITY evaluation" OR DE "DISABILITY identification" OR DE "DISABILITY studies" OR DE "DISCRIMINATION against people with disabilities" OR DE "EXCEPTIONAL children -- Research" OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities" OR DE "PSYCHIATRIC disability evaluation" OR DE "DISABILITY evaluation" OR DE "SOCIOLOGY of disability" OR DE "DISABILITY awareness" OR DE "DISABLED veterans" OR DE "PEOPLE with disabilities" OR DE "EDUCATION of developmentally disabled children" OR DE "DEVELOPMENTALLY disabled" OR DE "HIGHER education of learning disabled persons" OR DE "LEARNING disabled persons -- Means of communication" OR DE "DEVELOPMENTALLY disabled older people" OR DE "BEHAVIOR modification for learning disabled children" OR DE "PSYCHOLOGY of the developmentally disabled" OR DE "EDUCATION of learning disabled persons" OR DE "INSTITUTIONAL care of the developmentally disabled" OR DE "EMPLOYMENT of learning disabled persons" OR DE "LEARNING disabled persons" OR DE "LEARNING disabled children" OR DE "TEACHERS of developmentally disabled children -- Training of" OR DE "SEX education for the learning disabled" OR DE "DEVELOPMENTALLY disabled youth" OR DE "GROUP homes for the developmentally disabled -- Law & legislation" OR DE "TEACHERS of the learning disabled" OR DE "LEARNING disabled children -- Identification" OR DE "DISABLED minorities" OR DE "LEARNING disabled persons -- Psychology" OR DE "DISABLED veterans -- Vocational rehabilitation" OR DE "DISABLED veterans' families" OR DE "LEARNING disabled children -- Research" OR DE "LEARNING disabled youth" OR DE "PARENTS of developmentally disabled children" OR DE "SOCIAL work with disabled children" OR DE "SOCIAL work with mentally disabled children" OR DE "SOCIAL work with the mentally disabled" OR DE "DEVELOPMENTALLY disabled -- Home care" OR DE "SOCIAL work with disabled persons" OR DE "LEARNING disabled women" OR DE "LEARNING disabled teenagers" OR DE "LEARNING disabled men" OR DE "GROUP homes for the developmentally disabled" OR DE "DEVELOPMENTALLY disabled children" OR DE "DEVELOPMENTALLY disabled -- Housing" OR DE "COMMUNICATION devices for people with disabilities" OR DE "SELF-help devices for people with disabilities" OR DE "PEOPLE with visual disabilities" OR DE "PEOPLE with mental disabilities" OR DE "CHILDREN with disabilities" OR DE "READING devices for people with disabilities" OR DE "MEN with disabilities" OR DE "COLLEGE students with disabilities" OR DE "PARENTS with disabilities" OR DE "EMPLOYMENT of people with disabilities" OR DE "CHILDREN of parents with mental disabilities" OR DE "WOMEN with disabilities" OR DE "STUDENTS with disabilities" OR DE "ATTENTION-deficit hyperactivity disorder" OR DE "ATTENTION-deficit disorder in adolescence" OR DE "ATTENTION-deficit disorder in adults" OR DE "DEFICIT awareness" OR DE "ATTENTION-deficit-disordered adults" OR DE "ATTENTION-deficit-disordered children" OR DE "ATTENTION-deficit-disordered youth" OR DE "TREATMENT of attention-deficit disorder in adolescence" OR DE "EDUCATION of attention-deficit-disordered children" OR DE "BEHAVIOR modification for attention-deficit-disordered children" OR DE "TREATMENT of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder" OR DE "DIAGNOSIS of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder" OR DE "ATTENTION-deficit hyperactivity disorder treatment research" OR DE "ATTENTION-deficit hyperactivity disorder research" OR DE "CHILDREN of attention-deficit-disordered parents" OR DE "ATTENTION-deficit-disordered parents" OR DE "PARENTS of attention-deficit-disordered children" OR DE "ATTENTION-deficit hyperactivity disorder -- Social aspects OR DE "ASPERGER Syndrome Diagnostic Scale" OR DE "ASPERGER'S syndrome in adults" OR DE "ASPERGER'S syndrome in children" OR DE "ASPERGER'S syndrome" OR DE "AUTISM" OR DE "AUTISM -- Social aspects" OR DE "AUTISM in adolescence" OR DE "AUTISM in adults" OR DE "AUTISM in children" OR DE "PERVASIVE child development disorders" OR DE "AUTISM spectrum disorders" OR DE "AUTISM spectrum disorders in women" OR DE "PATHOLOGICAL demand avoidance syndrome" OR DE "PERVASIVE developmental disorder not otherwise specified" OR DE "RETT syndrome" OR DE "NEUROBEHAVIORAL disorders" OR DE "HEARING impaired" OR DE "HEARING disorders" OR DE "HIGH-frequency hearing loss" OR DE "FUNCTIONAL hearing loss" OR DE "CONDUCTIVE hearing loss" OR DE "SERVICES for the hearing impaired" OR DE "HEARING impaired students" OR DE "HEARING impaired infants" OR DE "HEARING impaired children" OR DE "HEARING impaired children -- Means of communication" OR DE "HEARING disorders in children" OR DE "WORD deafness" OR DE "HEARING disorders -- Social aspects" OR DE "DEAF children" OR DE "HEARING disorders in children -- Research" OR DE "DEAFNESS" OR DE "DEAF" OR DE "DEAF students" OR DE "COMMUNICATIVE disorders in infants" OR DE "COMMUNICATIVE disorders in children"  OR DE "DEAF parents" OR DE "BLIND" OR DE "SERVICES for blind people" OR DE "EMPLOYMENT of blind people" OR DE "DEAFBLIND people" OR DE "OLDER blind people" 117 320
2. TI ( (cognit* OR psychosocial* OR intellectual* OR development* OR physical* OR mental* OR memory OR learning OR functional*) AND (disab* OR impair* OR retard* OR limitation* OR delay*) ) OR TI (disab* or impair*) OR TI ("brain impair*" OR "cognitive deficit*") OR TI  (brain N1 (damage* OR injur*)) TI (neurodevelopmental N1 (disab* OR impair* OR limitation* OR delay*) ) OR TI ( autism OR autist* OR asperger* ) OR TI ( deaf* OR blind* OR (hearing N1 (impair* OR disabil*)) OR TI ((vision OR sight) N1 (impair* OR disabil*)) OR TI (neuropsychiatric*) 172 799
3. 1 OR 2 268 130
Study types: systematic reviews, metaanalysis
4. ( (DE "SYSTEMATIC reviews (Medical research)") OR (DE "META-analysis") ) OR ( (systematic* N3 review* OR ( metaanaly* OR meta-analy* ) ) OR ( ( (systematic*) n3 (bibliographic* OR literature) ) OR ( (comprehensive*) N3 (bibliographic* OR literature) ) OR (integrative n3 review) OR (information n2 synthes*) ) OR ( (review*) W1 (random* OR control* OR trial* OR study OR studies OR experiment* OR empiric*) ) )  146 403
5. ( (review or systematic or meta or synthes*) N3 (qualitative or narrative or interpret* or integrative OR evidence) ) OR ( meta W3 (study or studies or synthes* or ethnograph* or "data analys*" or summary) ) OR ( (realist or framework or thematic or "mixed method*") N3 (synthes* or review) ) OR ( (meta* or review or synthes* or systematic) N3 ("grounded theory") ) OR ( (information OR data) N2 synthes* ) OR data W2 extract* OR ( metasynthes* OR metaethnograph* OR "qualitative cross-case analysis" OR "aggregated analys*" ) 75 526
Limits: publication year, language
6. Limiters  - Published Date: 20000101-20171231; Language: English, Norwegian  
Final 3 AND 4 AND 6 4 473
  3 AND 5 AND 6 2 014

ASSIA via Proquest 5 May 2017

Functioning and disability – preliminary results regarding scientific knowledge evidence in social service methods and interventions
  Search termsItems found
Population: People with disabilities
1. (SU.EXACT("Disability harassment") OR SU.EXACT("Disability rights movements") OR SU.EXACT("Disability studies") OR SU.EXACT("Reading disabilities") OR SU.EXACT("Writing disabilities") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabilities") OR SU.EXACT("Disability") OR SU.EXACT("Disability allowances" OR "Disability living allowance")) OR (SU.EXACT("Aicardi syndrome" OR "Apraxia" OR "Aspartylglucosaminuria" OR "Blindness" OR "Cri du Chat syndrome" OR "De Lange syndrome" OR "Developmental apraxia" OR "Disability" OR "Down's syndrome" OR "Fragile X syndrome" OR "Functional impairment" OR "Learning disabilities" OR "Night blindness" OR "Nonverbal learning disabilities" OR "Perceptual impairment" OR "Prader-Willi syndrome" OR "Retinopathy of prematurity" OR "Sensory impairment" OR "Verbal disability") OR SU.EXACT("Scotopic sensitivity/Irlen syndrome") OR SU.EXACT("Dyslexia")) OR (("Developmentally disabled children") OR SU.EXACT("Hyperactive learning disabled young adults") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled adolescent boys") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled young children") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabled adolescent boys") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabled adolescents") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled children") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabled adolescent girls") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled adolescents") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled young women") OR SU.EXACT("Developmentally disabled preschool children") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabled people") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabled preschool children") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled students") OR SU.EXACT("Developmentally disabled older people") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled older people") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabled boys") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabled middle aged people") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabled men") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled elderly men") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabled children") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled young people") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled babies") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled mothers") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabled older people") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled women") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabled parents") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled men") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled young offenders") OR SU.EXACT("Hyperactive learning disabled children")) OR (SU.EXACT("Visually impaired preschool children") OR SU.EXACT("Hearing impairment") OR SU.EXACT("Occupational hearing impairment") OR SU.EXACT("Visually impaired elderly women") OR SU.EXACT("Visually impaired elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Hearing impaired young children") OR SU.EXACT("Pragmatic impairment") OR SU.EXACT("Neuropsychological impairment") OR SU.EXACT("Hearing impaired infants") OR SU.EXACT("Hearing impaired preschool children") OR SU.EXACT("Visually impaired adolescents") OR SU.EXACT("Visually impaired young children") OR SU.EXACT("Sensory motor impaired preschool children") OR SU.EXACT("Cognitive impairment") OR SU.EXACT("Sensory impairment") OR SU.EXACT("Specific language impairment") OR SU.EXACT("Functional impairment") OR SU.EXACT("Constructional impairment") OR SU.EXACT("Hearing impaired young adults") OR SU.EXACT("Visually impaired infants") OR SU.EXACT("Visual impairment") OR SU.EXACT("Hearing impaired babies") OR SU.EXACT("Sensory impaired young people") OR SU.EXACT("Visually impaired people") OR SU.EXACT("Cerebral visual impairment") OR SU.EXACT("Sensorineural hearing impairment") OR SU.EXACT("Visually impaired young people") OR SU.EXACT("Perceptual impairment") OR SU.EXACT("Phonologically impaired young children") OR SU.EXACT("Hearing impaired adolescents") OR SU.EXACT("Hearing impaired elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Visually impaired children") OR SU.EXACT("Hearing impaired young people") OR SU.EXACT("Noise induced hearing impairment") OR SU.EXACT("Impairment") OR SU.EXACT("Hearing impaired children") OR SU.EXACT("Blind young children") OR SU.EXACT("Blind spots") OR SU.EXACT("Blind children") OR SU.EXACT("Blind-Deaf children") OR SU.EXACT("Blind-Deaf elderly women") OR SU.EXACT("Blind adolescents") OR SU.EXACT("Blindness") OR SU.EXACT("Blind-Deaf people") OR SU.EXACT("Blind babies") OR SU.EXACT("Blind people") OR SU.EXACT("Blind preschool children") OR SU.EXACT("Blind infants")) OR (SU.EXACT("Learning disabled young people") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabled women") OR SU.EXACT("Multiply disabled young children") OR SU.EXACT("Speech disordered disabled young children") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabled young girls") OR SU.EXACT("Multiply disabled children") OR SU.EXACT("Multiply developmentally disabled children") OR SU.EXACT("Low income disabled people") OR SU.EXACT("Reading disabled students") OR SU.EXACT("Reading disabled boys") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabled young children") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabled young adults") OR SU.EXACT("Reading disabled adolescents") OR SU.EXACT("Multiply disabled people") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabled young offenders") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabled students") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabled young women") OR SU.EXACT("Sexually abused disabled children") OR SU.EXACT("Reading disabled people") OR SU.EXACT("Multiply disabled women") OR SU.EXACT("Multiply disabled babies") OR SU.EXACT("Writing disabled children") OR SU.EXACT("Sexually abused learning disabled adolescent girls") OR SU.EXACT("Multiply disabled preschool children") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabled young men") OR SU.EXACT("Reading disabled young children") OR SU.EXACT("Reading disabled children") OR SU.EXACT("Nonverbal learning disabled people")) OR (SU.EXACT("Amputees" OR "Autistic idiot savant people" OR "Autistic people" OR "Back injured people" OR "Blind people" OR "Blind-Deaf people" OR "Brain damaged people" OR "Brain dead people" OR "Brain injured people" OR "Deaf people" OR "Developmentally disabled people" OR "Disabled people" OR "Disfigured people" OR "Facially disfigured people" OR "Hearing impaired people" OR "Housebound people" OR "Idiot savant artists" OR "Idiot savant calendrical calculators" OR "Idiot savant mathematicians" OR "Idiot savant mnemonists" OR "Idiot savant musicians" OR "Idiot savant people" OR "Idiot savant readers" OR "Incompetent people" OR "Learning disabled people" OR "Low income disabled people" OR "Mentally ill deaf people" OR "Multiply disabled people" OR "Nonverbal learning disabled people" OR "Paraplegics" OR "Postlingually deaf people" OR "Quadriplegics" OR "Spinal cord injured people" OR "Tetraplegics" OR "Visually impaired people") OR SU.EXACT("Mental retardation") OR SU.EXACT("Pervasive development disorders") OR SU.EXACT("Developmental disorders") OR SU.EXACT("Neurodevelopmental disorders") OR SU.EXACT("Developmental coordination disorder")) OR (SU.EXACT("Infantile autism") OR SU.EXACT("Autism") OR SU.EXACT("Autistic adolescent boys") OR SU.EXACT("Autistic spectrum disorders") OR SU.EXACT("Autistic women") OR SU.EXACT("Autistic people") OR SU.EXACT("Autistic young adults") OR SU.EXACT("Autistic preschool children") OR SU.EXACT("Autistic girls") OR SU.EXACT("Autistic men") OR SU.EXACT("Autistic savant young children") OR SU.EXACT("Autistic boys") OR SU.EXACT("Autistic idiot savant people") OR SU.EXACT("Autistic infants") OR SU.EXACT("Autistic children") OR SU.EXACT("Autistic adolescents") OR SU.EXACT("Autistic young children") OR SU.EXACT("Pervasive development disorders") OR SU.EXACT("Asperger's syndrome" OR "Autistic spectrum disorders" OR "Childhood disintegrative disorder" OR "Heller's syndrome" OR "Pervasive developmental disorders" OR "Rett syndrome") OR SU.EXACT("Attention deficit disorder") OR SU.EXACT("Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder")) OR (SU.EXACT("Brain damaged elderly people") OR SU.EXACT("Brain damaged children") OR SU.EXACT("Brain damaged infants") OR SU.EXACT("Brain damaged people") OR SU.EXACT("Brain injured people") OR SU.EXACT("Brain injured young people") OR SU.EXACT("Brain injured children") OR SU.EXACT("Brain injuries") OR SU.EXACT("Traumatic brain injury")) 42 925
2. ti((cognitive OR cognition OR psychosocial OR psychosocially OR intellectual OR intellectually OR developmental OR developmentally OR physical OR physically OR mental OR mentally OR memory OR learning OR functional OR functionally) AND (disabled OR disability OR disabilities OR impaired OR impairment OR retarded OR retardation OR limitation OR limitations OR delay OR delayed) ) 11 855
3. ti(disab* or impair*) 13 221
4. ab((cognitive OR cognition OR psychosocial OR psychosocially OR intellectual OR intellectually OR developmental OR developmentally OR physical OR physically OR mental OR mentally OR memory OR learning OR functional OR functionally) NEAR/1 (disabled OR disability OR disabilities OR impaired OR impairment OR retarded OR retardation OR limitation OR limitations OR delay OR delayed) ) 2 518
5. su((cognitive OR cognition OR psychosocial OR psychosocially OR intellectual OR intellectually OR developmental OR developmentally OR physical OR physically OR mental OR mentally OR memory OR learning OR functional OR functionally) NEAR/1 (disabled OR disability OR disabilities OR impaired OR impairment OR retarded OR retardation OR limitation OR limitations OR delay OR delayed)) 15 470
6. ti( ((brain) AND (damaged OR damage OR injury OR injured OR injuries)) OR "cognitive deficits") 1 540
7. ab(("brain impaired" OR "brain impairment" OR "brain damage" OR "brain damaged" OR "brain injury" OR "brain injured" OR "brain injuries" OR "cognitive deficits") ) OR su(("brain impaired" OR "brain impairment" OR "brain damage" OR "brain damaged" OR "brain injury" OR "brain injured" OR "brain injuries" OR "cognitive deficits") ) 3 792
8. ti("neurodevelopmental disability" OR "neurodevelopmentally disabled" OR "neurodevelopmental impairment" OR "neurodevelopmentally impaired" OR "neurodevelopmental limitations" OR "neurodevelopmental delay" OR "neurodevelopmentally delayed") OR ab("neurodevelopmental disability" OR "neurodevelopmentally disabled" OR "neurodevelopmental impairment" OR "neurodevelopmentally impaired" OR "neurodevelopmental limitations" OR "neurodevelopmental delay" OR "neurodevelopmentally delayed") OR su("neurodevelopmental disability" OR "neurodevelopmentally disabled" OR "neurodevelopmental impairment" OR "neurodevelopmentally impaired" OR "neurodevelopmental limitations" OR "neurodevelopmental delay" OR "neurodevelopmentally delayed") 42
9. ti(autism OR autist* OR asperger* ) OR ab(autism OR autist* OR asperger* ) OR su(autism OR autist* OR asperger* ) 13 165
10. ti(deaf OR deafness OR blind OR blindness OR OR ((hearing) AND (impaired OR impairment OR disability OR disabilities OR disabled)) OR ((vision OR sight) AND (impaired OR impairment OR disability OR disabilities OR disabled)) ) OR ab(deaf OR deafness OR blind OR blindness OR ((hearing) NEAR/0 (impaired OR impairment OR disability OR disabilities OR disabled)) OR ((vision OR sight) NEAR/0 (impaired OR impairment OR disability OR disabilities OR disabled)) ) OR su(deaf OR deafness OR blind OR blindness OR ((hearing) NEAR/0 (impaired OR impairment OR disability OR disabilities OR disabled)) OR ((vision OR sight) NEAR/0 (impaired OR impairment OR disability OR disabilities OR disabled)) ) 7 430
11. ti(neuropsychiatric) OR ab(neuropsychiatric) OR su(neuropsychiatric) 1 119
12. 1-11 (OR) 67 718
Study types: systematic reviews, meta synthesis
13. SU.EXACT("Systematic reviews") OR SU.EXACT("Meta-analysis" OR "Validity generalization") 5 083
14. ((systematic OR systematically) NEAR/3 (bibliographic OR literature)) OR ((comprehensive) NEAR/3 (bibliographic OR literature)  OR (integrative) NEAR/3 (review) ) OR ((data) NEAR/2 (synthesis OR syntheses OR synthesizing OR extracting OR extraction) OR  "Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews") OR ((information) NEAR/2 (synthesis)  OR (review OR reviews OR reviewing) PRE/1 (randomized OR randomized OR controlled OR control OR trial OR trials OR study OR studies OR experiment OR experiments OR experimental OR experimentally OR empiric OR empirically)) 14 554
15. 13 OR 14 18 746
16. SU.EXACT("Review articles") 58
17. ((review or systematic or meta or synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing) N/3 (qualitative or narrative or interpretive or integrative OR evidence)) OR ((meta) PRE/3 (study or studies or synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing or ethnography or ethnographic or "data analysis" OR "data analyses" or summary) OR (realist or framework or thematic or "mixed method" OR "mixed methods") N/3 (synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing or review)  ) OR ((meta or metaanalysis or metaanalyses or review or synthesis or syntheses OR systematic) N/3 ("grounded theory") OR (information OR data) N/2 (synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing)) OR ((data) PRE/2 (extraction) OR metaanalytic or metasynthesis OR metasyntheses OR metaethnography OR metaethnographic OR "qualitative cross-case analysis" OR "aggregated analysis" OR "aggregated analyses") 27 148
18. 16 OR 17 27 207
Limits: publication year
19. 2000-2017  
Final 12 AND 15 AND 16 1 516
  12 AND 15 AND 16 1 103

IBSS via Proquest 10 May 2017

Functioning and disability – preliminary results regarding scientific knowledge evidence in social service methods and interventions
  Search termsItems found
Population: People with disabilities
1. SU.EXACT("Disability") OR SU.EXACT("Learning disabilities") OR SU.EXACT("Intellectual disabilities") OR SU.EXACT("Reading disabilities") OR SU.EXACT("Developmental disabilities") OR SU.EXACT("Autism") OR SU.EXACT("Intellectual disabilities") OR SU.EXACT("Cerebral palsy") OR SU.EXACT("Language disorders") OR SU.EXACT("Fetal alcohol syndrome") OR SU.EXACT("Aphasia") OR SU.EXACT("Dyslexia") OR SU.EXACT("Reading disabilities") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled children") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled athletes") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled students") OR SU.EXACT("Disability studies") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled people") OR SU.EXACT("Disabled workers") OR SU.EXACT("Deafness") OR SU.EXACT("Autism") OR SU.EXACT("Brain damage") OR SU.EXACT("Attention deficit disorder") OR SU.EXACT("Traumatic brain injury") 10 708
2. ti((cognitive OR cognition OR psychosocial OR psychosocially OR intellectual OR intellectually OR developmental OR developmentally OR physical OR physically OR mental OR mentally OR memory OR learning OR functional OR functionally) AND (disabled OR disability OR disabilities OR impaired OR impairment OR retarded OR retardation OR limitation OR limitations OR delay OR delayed) ) 2 221
3. ti(disab* or impair*) 7 262
4. ab((cognitive OR cognition OR psychosocial OR psychosocially OR intellectual OR intellectually OR developmental OR developmentally OR physical OR physically OR mental OR mentally OR memory OR learning OR functional OR functionally) NEAR/1 (disabled OR disability OR disabilities OR impaired OR impairment OR retarded OR retardation OR limitation OR limitations OR delay OR delayed) ) 3 326
5. su((cognitive OR cognition OR psychosocial OR psychosocially OR intellectual OR intellectually OR developmental OR developmentally OR physical OR physically OR mental OR mentally OR memory OR learning OR functional OR functionally) NEAR/1 (disabled OR disability OR disabilities OR impaired OR impairment OR retarded OR retardation OR limitation OR limitations OR delay OR delayed)) 2 178
6. ti( ((brain) AND (damaged OR damage OR injury OR injured OR injuries)) OR "cognitive deficits") 144
7. ab(("brain impaired" OR "brain impairment" OR "brain damage" OR "brain damaged" OR "brain injury" OR "brain injured" OR "brain injuries" OR "cognitive deficits") ) OR su(("brain impaired" OR "brain impairment" OR "brain damage" OR "brain damaged" OR "brain injury" OR "brain injured" OR "brain injuries" OR "cognitive deficits") ) 355
8. ti("neurodevelopmental disability" OR "neurodevelopmentally disabled" OR "neurodevelopmental impairment" OR "neurodevelopmentally impaired" OR "neurodevelopmental limitations" OR "neurodevelopmental delay" OR "neurodevelopmentally delayed") OR ab("neurodevelopmental disability" OR "neurodevelopmentally disabled" OR "neurodevelopmental impairment" OR "neurodevelopmentally impaired" OR "neurodevelopmental limitations" OR "neurodevelopmental delay" OR "neurodevelopmentally delayed") OR su("neurodevelopmental disability" OR "neurodevelopmentally disabled" OR "neurodevelopmental impairment" OR "neurodevelopmentally impaired" OR "neurodevelopmental limitations" OR "neurodevelopmental delay" OR "neurodevelopmentally delayed") 3
9. ti(autism OR autist* OR asperger* ) OR ab(autism OR autist* OR asperger* ) OR su(autism OR autist* OR asperger* ) 1 367
10. ti(deaf OR deafness OR blind OR blindness OR OR ((hearing) AND (impaired OR impairment OR disability OR disabilities OR disabled)) OR ((vision OR sight) AND (impaired OR impairment OR disability OR disabilities OR disabled)) ) OR ab(deaf OR deafness OR blind OR blindness OR ((hearing) NEAR/0 (impaired OR impairment OR disability OR disabilities OR disabled)) OR ((vision OR sight) NEAR/0 (impaired OR impairment OR disability OR disabilities OR disabled)) ) OR su(deaf OR deafness OR blind OR blindness OR ((hearing) NEAR/0 (impaired OR impairment OR disability OR disabilities OR disabled)) OR ((vision OR sight) NEAR/0 (impaired OR impairment OR disability OR disabilities OR disabled)) ) 6 166
11. ti(neuropsychiatric) OR ab(neuropsychiatric) OR su(neuropsychiatric) 165
12. 1-11 (OR) 22 024
Study types: systematic reviews, metasynthesis
13. (SU.EXACT("Meta-analysis") OR SU.EXACT("Systematic review")) OR (((systematic OR systematically) NEAR/3 (bibliographic OR literature)) OR ((comprehensive) NEAR/3 (bibliographic OR literature) OR (integrative) NEAR/3 (review) ) OR ((data) NEAR/2 (synthesis OR syntheses OR synthesizing OR extracting OR extraction) OR "Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews") OR ((information) NEAR/2 (synthesis) OR (review OR reviews OR reviewing) PRE/1 (randomized OR randomized OR controlled OR control OR trial OR trials OR study OR studies OR experiment OR experiments OR experimental OR experimentally OR empiric OR empirically))) 16 607
14. SU.EXACT("Literature reviews") OR (((review or systematic or meta or synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing) N/3 (qualitative or narrative or interpretive or integrative OR evidence)) OR ((meta) PRE/3 (study or studies or synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing or ethnography or ethnographic or "data analysis" OR "data analyses" or summary) OR (realist or framework or thematic or "mixed method" OR "mixed methods") N/3 (synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing or review) ) OR ((meta or metaanalysis or metaanalyses or review or synthesis or syntheses OR systematic) N/3 ("grounded theory") OR (information OR data) N/2 (synthesis or syntheses OR synthesizing)) OR ((data) PRE/2 (extraction) OR metaanalytic or metasynthesis OR metasyntheses OR metaethnography OR metaethnographic OR "qualitative cross-case analysis" OR "aggregated analysis" OR "aggregated analyses"))  34 813
Limits: publication year, language
15. 2000-2017, english  
Final 12 AND 13 AND 15 186
  12 AND 14 AND 15 351

Appendix 4: Tools for risk of bias assessment

In progress translation into English

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