Programs for preventing suicide and suicide attempt in children

Reading time approx. 5 minutes Published: Publication type:

SBU Assessment

Presents a comprehensive, systematic assessment of available scientific evidence for effects on health, social welfare or disability. Full assessments include economic, social and ethical impact analyses. Assessment teams include professional practitioners and academics. Before publication the report is reviewed by external experts, and scientific conclusions approved by the SBU Board of Directors.

Published: Report no: 336 Registration no: SBU 2020/885 ISBN: 978-91-88437-83-9

A summary of this report is currently undergoing translation.

For more information please contact project manager Agneta Petersson at: 

Lik to the Swedish report:

Program för att förebygga suicid och suicidförsök hos barn

Link to PROSPERO (International prospective register of systematic reviews) at National Institute for Health and Care Research, NIHR: PROSPERO

Reference list of the full report

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