Effects on dental pulp after warm composite restoration

Composite is a common dental restoration material. The soft material is applied in the cavity and shaped before being cured with blue light. Some dentists pre-heat the composite material before filling the tooth.

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SBU Enquiry Service

Consists of structured literature searches to highlight studies that can address questions received by the SBU Enquiry Service from Swedish healthcare or social service providers. We assess the risk of bias in systematic reviews and when needed also quality and transferability of results in health economic studies. Relevant references are compiled by an SBU staff member, in consultation with an external expert when needed.

Published: Report no: ut202319 Registration no: SBU 2023/40


What scientific studies have been published regarding negative pulpal effects after dental restoration with preheated dental composite?


A systematic literature search was performed using the following databases: Medline via OvidSP, Scopus and Embase via Elsevier.

Two authors independently assessed the abstracts of all identified studies.

Identified literature

No relevant systematic reviews were identified. However, two primary studies were identified [1] [2]. Primary studies are not assessed for risk for bias.


  1. Campbell I, Kang J, Hyde TP. Randomized Controlled Trial of Postoperative Sensitivity with Warm and Room Temperature Composite. JDR Clin Trans Res. 2017;2(3):295-303. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1177/2380084416682934.
  2. Elkaffas AA, Eltoukhy RI, Elnegoly SA, Mahmoud SH. 36-Month Randomized Clinical Trial Evaluation of Preheated and Room Temperature Resin Composite. Oper Dent. 2022;47(1):11-9. Available from: https://doi.org/10.2341/20-301-C.

Literature search

Medline via OvidSP 6 May 2023

Title: Warm composite restoration
/ = Term from the MeSH controlled vocabulary; .sh = Term from the MeSH controlled vocabulary; exp= Term from MeSH including terms found below this term in the MeSH hierarchy; .ti,ab = Title or abstract; .tw = Title or abstract; .kf = Keywords; .kw = Keywords, exact; .bt = Book title. NLM Bookshelf.; .pt = Publication type; .ja = Journal abbreviation; .af = All fields; adjn = Adjacent. Proximity operator retrieving adjacent words, adj3 retrieves records with search terms within two terms from each other.; * or $ = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase
Search termsItems found
1. exp Dental Restoration, Permanent/ 24 834
2.  ((dent* or tooth or teeth) adj6 (fill* or restor*)).ab,bt,kf,ti. 32 542
3. exp Composite Resins/ 27 387
4.  (composite* or resin*).ab,bt,kf,ti. 290 149
5.  or/1-4 326 014
6. Hot Temperature/ 124 531
7.  (preheat* or pre-heat* or heat* or hot or warm* or temperat* or melt*).ab,bt,kf,ti. 1194 068
8.  or/6-7 1232 504
9. exp Dental Pulp Diseases/ or exp Dental Pulp Necrosis/ or exp Pulpitis/ or exp Tooth, Nonvital/ or exp Toothache/ or exp Dentin Sensitivity/ 17 119
10.  ((tooth or teeth or dental*) and (necro* or pulp* or nonvital or non vital or pain or ach* or toothach* or sensitiv* or hypersensitiv* or complicat* or (adverse adj3 (event* or effect*)))).ab,bt,kf,ti. 80 942
11.  or/9-10 89 838
Combined sets:
12. 5 and 8 and 11 608
Final result
13 12 608

Scopus via scopus.com 6 May 2023

Title: Warm composite restoration
TITLE-ABS-KEY = Title, abstract or keywords (including indexed keywords and author keywords); ALL = All fields; W/n = Within. Proximity operator retrieving terms within n words from each other.; PRE/n = Precedes by. Proximity operator, the first term in the search must precede the second by n words.; LIMIT-TO (X) = Includes only results of specified type, e.g., publication type or time range.; DOCTYPE = Publication type; “re” = review; “le” = letter; “ed” = editorial; “ch” = book chapter; “cp” = conference proceedings; * = Truncation; “ “ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase
Search termsItems found
1. TITLE-ABS-KEY((dent* OR tooth OR teeth) W/5 (fill* OR restor*)) 63 485
2. TITLE-ABS-KEY(composite* OR resin*) 1 605 802
3. 1 OR 2 1 646 170
4. TITLE-ABS-KEY(preheat* OR heat* OR hot OR warm* OR temperat* OR melt*) 8 067 081
5. ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( ( tooth  OR  teeth  OR  dent* )  AND  ( necro*  OR  pulp*  OR  nonvital  OR  "non vital"  OR  pain  OR  ach*  OR  toothach*  OR  sensitiv*  OR  hypersensitiv*  OR  complicat* ) ) ) )  OR  ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( ( tooth  OR  teeth  OR  dent* )  AND  ( adverse  W/2  ( event*  OR  effect* ) ) ) ) ) 193 257
Combined sets:
6. 3 AND 4 AND 5 1 938
Final result
7. 6 1 938

Embase via Elsevier 6 May 2023

Title: Warm composite restoration
/de = Term from the EMTREE controlled vocabulary; /exp = Term from the EMTREE controlled vocabulary, including all narrower terms in the hierarchy; ti = Title; ab = Abstract; kw = Author keywords; it = Publication type; NEAR/n = Near. Proximity operator retrieving terms within n words from each other.; * = Truncation; ‘ ‘ = Citation Marks; searches for an exact phrase
Search termsItems found
1. 'dental restoration'/exp 72 243
2. ((dent* OR tooth OR teeth) NEAR/6 (restor* OR fill*)):ti,ab,kw 32 378
3. 'resin'/exp 85 976
4. (composite* OR resin*):ti,ab,kw 334 635
5. #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 426 781
6. 'temperature'/de OR 'melting temperature'/de OR 'high temperature'/de 321 227
8. (preheat* OR heat* OR hot OR warm* OR temperat* OR melt*):ti,ab,kw 1 283 827
9. #6 OR #7 1 374 878
10. 'tooth pulp disease'/exp OR 'pulpitis'/exp OR 'tooth pain'/exp OR 'dentin hypersensitivity'/exp OR 'adverse event'/de 125 764
11. ((tooth OR teeth or dental*) AND (necro* OR pulp* OR nonvital OR 'non vital' OR pain OR ach* OR toothach* OR sensitiv* OR hypersensitiv* OR complicat*)):ti,ab,kw 86 948
12. ((tooth OR teeth OR dental*) AND ('adverse event*' OR 'adverse effect*')):ti,ab,kw 4 676
13. #9 OR #10 OR #11 203 636
Combined sets:
14. #5 AND #8 AND #12 951
Final result
15. 13 951
Page published